Ghost of Poznanski Arrest from 2009 Returns

Some stories have legs.  This one has at least 44 of them.  That would be both legs of former Democrat New Hampshire House Rep Brian Poznanski’s and the legs of 21 others, all busted for possession of alcohol (under age drinking), at a house party in Bedford, New Hampshire, circa Halloween 2009.

Poznanski was newly elected, and had already submitted a request for a bill that would allow under age drinkers caught drinking under age to avoid arrest if they sought “help.”  That request died with his arrest for, you guessed it, underage drinking.  That contradiction never made the local media as I recall but that should not surprise.  According to my buddy Ed Naile, there was quite a bit of reporting that did not get done regarding that same busted House party in Bedford.

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Playing 52 Pick Up, And Then Some

New Hampshire Election Information ( has the results posted of its 52-pick up page an effort to identify and track the replacement of fifty-two "of the most statist and the most vulnerable legislators in the New Hampshire House of Representatives."

The final accounting is impressive.

Only four of the fifty two reps listed survived the 2010 election season; Evalyn Merrick (Coos 2), Peter Ramsey (Hills 8), Daniel Sullivan (Hills 8), and Nick ‘The Nuke’ Lavasseur (Hills 11) survived.  The other 48 got washed out in the roughly 296 seat sweep of the House.

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Seth Marshall Discovers Property Taxes

  Hat tip out of the gate to fellow NHI front pager Richard Olsen Jr. for this fine bit or wordsmithing on Nashua Rep Seth Marshall’s brief letter to the Nashua Telegraph about a pamphlet on the burden of property taxes.  Mr. Marshall (it appears) feels blessed as if the contents of this pamphlet revealed the answer … Read more

Get This Man A Space

Two weeks later and Rep. Peter Schmidt (D-Strafford 4) still has to park in the No Parking Zone when other spaces are available.  Yes, this is a follow up to my earlier post–Peter " No Parking" Schmidt.  Apparently Peter is a real stand up guy.  Veteran.  Works hard.  Always shows up in Concord.  I appreciate … Read more

Introducing Rep Kevin Hodges (D-Awesome Cool)

  Ah, the arrogance of youth.  Not long ago it was Brian "I have an LSR to get minors off for getting busted for possession of alcohol" Poznanski who was the whelp–having then gotten himself busted as a minor in possession of alcohol in front of a house full of minors and his LSR subsequently … Read more

Poznanski, Leishman, Eaton, Et al

Terri Norelli isn’t all that interested in ethics.  In the past few months, several potentially high-profile cases have gone softly into that good night with as little pomp as possible.

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