WAR (Updated: Egypt calls for Arab response to attacks on Palestinians)


(Updates are at the end of the original post)

Israel has had enough of the rocket attacks and has approved “Vigorous Action” against the Terrorist infrastructures in the Gaza strip.  They are calling up reserves, and will initiate a ground force invasion if necessary to stop the attacks on their population.  For the time being, air strikes and other surgical attacks will continue against targets in Gaza.

Simultaneously, the government of Israel is also prepared to Annex the West Bank if the Palestinian Authority (PA) continues to violate the Oslo accords by pursuing state hood through the UN without negotiating with Israel.

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Bill Maher Made A Film That Mocked Islam

I never saw the movie (almost no one did) but according to Breitbart.com the last 20 minutes of the Bill Maher angry-atheist-Christian bashing is free speech vanity film, Religulous, makes a “damning case against Islam. Maher’s films tumbled in and out of theaters a few years back while–Osama was still above water–without any incident on … Read more

Real Unemployment at 19%…

Wynton Hall at Breitbart.com wrote this.  I’m just sharing it. Consider the following 11 economic facts: 1.  When you include the underutilized labor figure with the eight million Americans who have lost hope altogether and stopped looking for a job, real unemployment now stands at just under 19 percent. 2.  If the labor force were … Read more

Dispatch from Future of Journalism Summit / NetRoots Nation foray – Russia Today interviews Dana Loesch (Breitbart.com) and Jim Hoft (GatewayPundit)

Heh!  Russia Today is not always known for being kind to Conservatives.  Yet, the young lady was willing to interview almost anybody walking by so both Dana and Jim decided to do so. Gosh, they sound like they fit right in with the rest of the NetRoots! Audio is not the best (to be very … Read more

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