Isn’t that what it’s supposed to be? A deterrent? – Part 2

Earlier I pointed out that the high penalty for violating SB3 is $5000 which is being used as an argument against allowing the law to come into force (“The $5,000 fine is financially crushing to college students“).  This was pointed out as part of the Democrat testimony against SB3 (reformatted, emphasis mine):

Recent UNH graduate Doug Marino, now working as a volunteer in the Congressional campaign of Democrat Chris Pappas, testified as to his experience in recruiting student voters on campus.  “I believe it (SB3) will deter students from voting. College students as it is are extremely busy, particularly first-year students, who are in a new place or on their own for the first time,” he said. “Even those who may want to register to vote may be wary of doing so if they have to sign a document that could potentially carry legal penalties.”

Especially if they are lying?

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Facebook Doodlings – So, Greg Carson, Secretary of the NH GOP is demanding “unity” – An interlude with Bill Whittle

I have to admit – Facebook has nothing to do with this post – but the topic of this post does have much with the philosophy of that Part I post.  That said, let me allow Gntp NH from that FB thread set the stage for this absolutely spot on calling out of the Republican … Read more

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