OK, I have to admit that I’m a wee bit tardy on rolling out these endorsements that the Groksters have discussed and voted upon. No, we are not doing every single race – for that we are leaving the a lot of that to the Republican Liberty Caucus of NH (RLCNH) and Cornerstone Action (yes, go look at their candidate scores, recommendations, and endorsements). But there are those that we believe we wish to bring to your attention – so here is one more.
One of the most interesting races for us is that in NH State Senate District 7 – a district that is brand new due to the decadal rewriting of the lines due to the census. Here we have a classic Establishment leaning moderate vs a Liberty candidate: Grimm vs Youssef. I watched how Grimm presented himself at the Belknap County Republican “Contested Primary” evening; as I said then: “Grimm is not exactly “heads on and out front” on his answers”. It didn’t help his cause when I saw his campaign sign on the lawn of one of our former RINO of the Week award winners Alida Milham. If Grimm is Alida’s dandy pick, that should tell you a lot.
Meanwhile, even if a bit rough around the edges (and aren’t most first time candidates?), Josh showed in his interview series with us that his political mindset was correct and aligned with ours (see the links to that interview series after the jump)