
Debate Takeaways …

In no particular order, here are my debate takeaways. But first, I must say that the Regime really messed up BidenX’s drug cocktail. Perhaps the hoarse voice was the result of being over-amphetamined prior to the debate, causing BidenX to manic-babble incessantly to the point that he lost his voice?Maybe BidenX threw screaming fits throughout debate sequestration week because he was kept on bed rest with an IV and not allowed to binge-watch SpongeBob.

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Old and Busted Biden Barely Able To Get Into His Limo

Don’t we have the right to know who really is running the country? It’s NOT this decaying, decrepit, concupiscible curmudgeon. BidenX is a figurehead, as well as an imposter. Who is really in charge?

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And Yet Another Biden Brain Freeze …

On Tuesday the Regime announced that BidenX would be taking a few days off. The “debate” … if you can call the obviously RIGGED faux-debate on CNN that … is next Thursday. So the Regime needs to give BidenX 20 hours per day of bed rest and lots and lots of DRUGS to get him ready.

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ICYMI – Biden Had ANOTHER Brain Freeze

On June 15th, Woke-Communist OLIGARCHS like George Clooney and Jimmy Kimmel hosted a “fundraiser” for BidenX … attended by the billionaires that the corrupt “media” keep telling us BidenX is “fighting” for us.

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Watch Biden Make A Fool Of Himself, And America, At the G7 Summit

Did BidenX’s drug cocktail wear off? Wrong dosage? Leave something out? BidenX OBVIOUSLY and UNDENIABLY is a figurehead (as well as an imposter). Shame on everyone gaslighting for the people in the shadows actually running the Biden-Regime.

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They’re Not Stopping With Trump … BidenX’s Second-Term Will Make Stalin Look Like A Rank Amateur

So, bitter-clingers, there is a doctor in Texas who exposed a hospital in Texas for performing “gender-affirming care,”  e.g., chemical-castration of children, mastectomies of children, etc., etc., etc.. More specifically, the hospital LIED and told the public it was no longer performing “gender-affirming care,” … when in fact it continued to do so.

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