Dems’ ‘Net Zero’ Fantasies Are Pie In The Sky

We all want to protect the environment. But lefty pols are making reckless promises to “transition” entirely to renewables — wind and solar — within a few years. Never mind that Joe Public will get clobbered with huge electric bills, blackouts, unaffordable car prices, and layoffs in many industries. Getting to green nirvana on the Left’s timetable will be hell for ordinary people.

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“Medicare for All” – Soviet style healthcare

“…Dems are forgetting to tell you that private insurance will be banned under their scheme” 

by Betsy McCaughey

President Barack Obama made a stunning policy shift Friday, endorsing Medicare for All — a single-payer health system for the nation. Most Democrats contending for the 2020 presidential nomination and many Dems vying for congressional seats this fall are backing it, too. Beware: They’re pulling a bait-and-switch. The phrase Medicare for All sounds as American as apple pie. A new Reuters poll shows 70 percent of Americans respond to it favorably.

Yet the public isn’t getting the truth about what it means.

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