Hypocrisy…the Duality in ‘Americur

by Tom


Drones in the Middle East, drones on American soil, Libya coup d’etat support, Egypt insurgency weapons support, Syria coup support.

Sounds like the first term of Mephistopheles himself (Dick Cheney), right?

The American Left has no soul.  Period.  Watching some of the reaction to Rand Paul’s filibuster last week, it is now perfectly clear that the Left’s rhetoric and protest about “Bush’s War” was only about Bush and against the Right; it had nothing to do with principle, liberty, or right and wrong.  That’s the problem with the Left – particularly the Far Left – they blindly follow memes (social and political) and they criminally ignore malfeasance from their own team.

Funny thing is, though…

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With This Bunch Failure Is Always An Option

I’m torn between thinking this is just sad or that it’s just funny.  Maybe ironic is a better word? First, the NHGOP establishment power brokers (who forced Jack Kimball out) just cleared the field to make sure that the preferred, groomed, in-debted (and in debt) to them, moderate-insider was the only candidate left running for the NHGOP chairmanship.

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Charlie Bass…”Leader of the PAC”

by Tom

400019-100px.jpg According to this posting on BlueHampshire.com (yes, we give credit/link when we reference the Libs’ blogs, even though they don’t credit us), Charlie Bass leads the "pack" in NH CD-2 for…wait for it… PAC campaign donations.  41% of total, to be clear.

Even before you see the evidence, do you really doubt this claim?  You shouldn’t.

Aside from Altria (formerly Philip-Morris), and the Republican Majority for Choice, one of Charlie’s more notable PAC contributors is the Republican Main Street Partnership PAC.  Charlie has been the President and CEO, as well as Board Member, of the self-described "centrist" group that this PAC supports.  The RMSP PAC also states that they are an "incumbent protection PAC".

Dudes!  Don’t you see the anti-incumbency storm coming on, hard and fast??  Every time I read about the squishy RMSP, I see more and more cluelessness.

I just checked the RMSP website and I no longer see Charlie listed as the President, as they recently elected Tom Davis (R-VA) to this position.  And, I find it odd that he disappears completely from the leadership of this organization during a primary race, when moderates all run right, and Charlie irreverently claims to be a "Conservative".  Perhaps he’s running stealthy and under cover?

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