multiculturalism-failure-1561030654 Political Hat

Notable Quote – Has DIE (er DEI) & Multiculturalism Made Things Better?

But is there any evidence that colleges that have gone whole hog into multiculturalism have better relations among the various groups on campus? Or is it precisely on such campuses that separatism and hostility are worse than on campuses that have not gone in for the multicultural craze? You want to see multiculturalism in action? … Read more

Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson is Right about the Unwillingness of the Left to Engage in Debate

I never had much use for Carlson early in his career but started to pay half attention when his show started. Why? Liberals would come on his show expecting to steamroll him and found themselves getting eviscerated in the space of seconds by asking them simple (but foundational) questions about what they were spewing.

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