Corey Lewandowski

Dems are So Scared of Lewandowski They Are Running an Attack Ad and He Hasn’t Even Announced

Democrats are good at telling you what scares them. Trump. Free Speech. School Choice. Corey Lewandowski. The former NH AFP State Director and Trump Campaign manager has not even announced his Senate run and Dems are running an Attack Ad against him.

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Can You Tell Me How To Get, How To Get Obama off Sesame Streeeeet.

Big Bird tells Obama to get lostThe Bamster has never been about substance unless you can call corruption, failure, and collapse an accomplishment (He does!).   His current camping is no different.  And it’s gotten so petty that even the Children’s Television Workshop wants no part of it.

CTW (whose Sesame Street franchise is successful and worth millions and millions) has asked the Obama campaign to pull an ad that uses Big Bird to go after Mitt Romney.

Sesame Workshop is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization and we do not endorse candidates or participate in political campaigns. We have approved no campaign ads, and as is our general practice, have requested that the ad be taken down.

Four years in office, two of them with COMPLETE CONTROL OF THE GOVERNMENT, world on fire.  Economy is in the crapper.  And all they’ve got  left is an attack ad with a Big fictitious Yellow Bird who is  loaded ( A real 1%er). That’s all Obama is talking about.

Even the alphabets are calling it petty . And now the Bird has rejected  him.  And who could blame him.  Obama cheapens the brand.

And Big Bird doesn’t need our money.  He’s got more than most of us.   Fly be Free!

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Obama Is A Murderer [Updated]

He is.  He even has a kill list.  They bragged about it.  Foreign terrorists have constitutional rights but killing American Citizens without a trial is not above Mr. Obama.  Yes, the Peace Prize winner has a kill list.  And he is using it. Meanwhile, that Obama Super PAC Ad about how Romney “Murdered” a Steel … Read more

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