UPDATE (and bumped from 8 am)! And an important one: Summary – Emergencies (like what has been called for Gunstock below) in 91:A ONLY APPLY TO TOWNS AND CITIES; not the “County Convention” (aka, “the Delegation”. While I have a call into the County Attorney, Andrew Livernois, I have not heard back as to which holds priority: RSA 24-9:d or RSA 91-A:2 II. However, Dan Itse has this:
Biden Fell For Legal Trap Set By Trump Appointees
President Joe Biden fought a lawsuit brought by two former government officials appointed during the first Trump administration, contesting the legality of their unceremonious firings. Biden won, paving the way for President-elect Donald Trump to wield executive power that the Democrats will end up wishing he didn’t have. Former White House press secretary Sean Spicer … Read more