greenland-calving - glaciers - icebergs sea ice

Would You like Ice With That?

One of the earliest memorable advertising campaigns for robbing you blind to “fix” the climate depicted a polar bear perched on a sliver of sea ice. The tiny island getaway was getting away from where we were told it belonged and taking the polar bears with it. The bears have outlasted that narrative, as they … Read more

Because it Will Trigger Leftists – Antarctic Ice Extent and Concentration Greater Today than in 1980

We’ve all got decent Democrat friends, well, most of us. They are often working stiffs, maybe in a union, but not interested in letting men use women’s bathrooms or conception to birth abortion. And many could care less about the global warming scare. So, this is for all the other Democrats.

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If Sea Ice Grew and No One Was There to ‘Report’ It, Did It Really Happen?

antarctic sea ice reaches 33 year high in 2012 and climbingForbes has a story about the Antarctic.  It’s that other frozen wasteland, the one you never hear much about.   You don’t hear anything about it because for the past 33 years the amount of sea-ice in the antarctic has apparently been growing, and as of this week–due to record cold temperatures in the region–has reached its highest reading ever.

That means there is more sea-ice in the antarctic than at any time since we started recording it.

The real story, of course, is the fact that when Forbes searched Google News for any sign of the story it was nowhere to be found.

A historical record.  More Antarctic sea ice than ever seen in recorded history.  And the Chicken-Little Media isn’t reporting it…

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