Bob Greene – candidate for NH State House, Hillsborough County District 37 (Hudson/Pelham)

bob_greene_portraitHello! I’m Bob Greene and I’m running for NH State Rep in Hillsborough District 37 (Hudson/Pelham). I’m a 13-year Hudson resident, married to Kathy for 29 years, and a 20-year Air Force veteran with assignments in Illinois, Germany and Hanscom AFB. I currently work as a communications specialist for the defense industry and am a member of the National Rifle Association and American Legion. I believe in smaller government, lower taxes, free markets, personal responsibility, and the Rule of Law.

I’ve steadily ramped up my activism over the past several years — from attending presidential candidate town halls and NH GOP summits, to participating in focus groups which have appeared on Fox News Channel, to attending the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) the past three years in a row. The next logical step for me is to get off the sidelines and run for NH State Rep, because although we currently have a Republican majority in the House, we have too many reps in our party who either 1) don’t represent the party’s interests by kowtowing to unions or political correctness or 2) have poor attendance/voting records in Concord, resulting in devastating GOP losses on the House floor on several critical issues. My goal will be 100% attendance in NH House sessions — no less, since I have the flexibility with my employer to be in Concord for all sessions and committee work. And I am making a solemn promise to my future House GOP colleagues and my constituents to have a voting record that truly represents my district’s and party’s values and supports the NH Advantage.

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These kids do have a point…(the sequel)

A Blue Hampshire followup to this saga… 

While I agree that Bob should have stopped digging, and should have extended the lessons I explain below, the BlueHampshire comment-squad goes off the rails (again), taking this story away from it’s main point.

Some of the commentators try to paint the Tea Party as "holding itself together", as long as we can "identify enemies".  And, as "soon as one of them comes up with a proactive plan to close the deficit, they will incur the wrath of 75% of them who will disagree with the plan." – this is such an invalid, emotional statement, typical of liberals these days who will ridicule anything they can get their hands on, realizing they are in for a pending ballot-beatdown.

I was at the John Burt Gubernatorial debate last night, in Manchester, where 4 very different (Republican) candidates spoke, disagreed, and even acknowledged agreement, in front of an audience that was as disparate as they were.

In the end, the entire audience came together, on their feet, cheering, to send Gov. Lynch this message: "regardless of which candidate here wins the Republican primary, we are looking at the next governor of New Hampshire."  And this is so, so true.

I wish I could build a composite candidate, using their best qualities.  Each has a distinct set of skills that differentiate them from the others, and all are qualified to lead the Conservative revolution next year.  One is bombastic, another inspiring, another compassionate and another deliberate.  All have proven to be superb thinkers and doers.  Yet, despite the candidate-aligned factions within the audience, and in the Conservative community, we WILL be together on September 15th, coming with great fervor, to right this State and our Country.

Criticisms of Giuda, Bass, or any other candidate are our internal filtration process, ensuring that the best people come out of the Primary, to deliver said beat-down on November 2nd. 

The Tea Party/912/Conservative community is passionate, patriotic and as diverse as the 4 candidates last night.  We argue, debate and posit.

Consider how Steel is made: You start with Iron, an ore consisting mainly of carbon, found commonly on the planet (an American).  You add other, diverse elements, such as Magnesium, Chromium, and Tungsten (Morality, Constitutional awareness, Patriotism).  These diverse elements cause the core carbon to strengthen its form, a lattice, all stronger together than alone.  Varying the quantities of the elements control the qualities of the steel, such as hardness, and strength (experimenting, filtering). 

The component elements are combined, heated, then cooled.  Cooling creates a "re-crystalization" process, yielding Steel.  The Political Primary process (now), is the heating, filtering, and combining phase.  Once the primary ends, the cooling and re-crystalization will take place, yielding steel, which will not be easily broken.

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