Lube Job Redux

It’s been fun to watch the Soap Opera unfold after AIDS Services got caught up in a kerfuffle over ‘sex kits’ distributed at Monadnock High School. Everyone went into CYA mode as what seemed like a perfectly normal activity for progreeive thinkers, hiding behind the AIDS quilt to advocate irresponsible underage sex, met the reality of public outrage.

Lube Job

In a front page story from the Wednesday Union Leader the group AIDS Services for the Monadnock Region has run into trouble.   After a presentation at a local High School they offered ‘safe sex kits’ to students.  The distribution approved by the school’s administration stopped after learning that flavored lubricant and candy were included with the condoms that are—dare I say traditionally?—handed out.  Neither parents nor administrators were pleased by the message that “flavored lubricant” sends to 14-year olds.

The money shot, I’m sorry quote, comes from Monadnock School Board member Bruce Barlow.

“You can’t hand something like that to a 14-year-old boy and expect him to respond to it as an adult would.”

Seventy-thousand years of human history passed us by and somehow we missed this until now?

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