Kamala Harris appeared on 60 Minutes this week—another campaign appearance on what used to be a News show. After the last two weeks of Joe and Kamala appearing on the Sunday night show, CBS should announce the Biden/Harris re-election campaign has bought the News Magazine.
60 Minutes Segment from the 1970s on the Swine Flu Vaccine They’d Rather You Not Watch
In the 1970s, 60 Minutes did a segment on the detrimental effects of a Swing Flu vaccine the Government rushed and then beg us all to get. I was 13 years old in 1976, and I remember it though not in great detail; but this report from a few years later looks strangely familiar.
Trump May Release 60-Minutes Interview with Lesley “Riefen” Stahl Before it Airs on CBS
Trump did an exclusive interview at the White House for 60-minutes, but things have taken a turn. In anticipation of deceptive editing, the President tossed a shot across the networks bow when he tweeted images of Lesley Stahl unmasked with a promise that there is “Much more to come.”
CBS News Interview With Tara Reade, Who Accused Joe Biden of Sexual Assault, Aired in Australia but Not in the US
Is Joe Biden running for Prime Minister of Australia? Has basement Biden gotten the down-under bug? No, but CBS News has. They broadcast an interview with Tara Reade, who has accused Joe Biden of sexual assault. So, why play that in Australia instead of the United States?