4RG Chairman Hemingway: “Hassan Should Withdraw From Gov Race”

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Media Contact: Andrew Hemingway, 603-203-4063, info@4RG.org

Republican Governor Candidates Smith/Lamontagne Share Ideas For Boosting New Hampshire’s Economy
While Democrat Maggie Hassan Is Talking About Beating Republicans ‘With a Bat’

CONCORD, N.H.—4RG Chairman Andrew Hemingway is calling for Democratic Gov. Candidate Maggie Hassan to drop out of her race for governor after she agreed that it was “a good answer” for Democrats to literally beat Republicans “with a bat … with your hands … [and] with your feet.”

Hassan, the former Majority Leader for the N.H. Senate, was asked at a Goffstown meeting “How do you plan to beat a Republican?” Democratic operative and Rep. Kevin Hodges, who introduced the candidate at the event, yelled out in reply, “You can beat ‘em with a bat, you can beat ‘em with your hands, you can beat ‘em with your feet.” Hassan was caught on video tape immediately responding, “That’s a good answer.” Please review the video here: http://youtu.be/V8zjC8NHlgI.

Later, when asked by the press about the comment, Hassan’s campaign manager Matthew Burgess replied that she was just “kidding” about beating other human beings with a bat as if the comment was just a joke.

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Swing Away Maggie. Swing Away!

One can only imagine the media firestorm that would erupt from Democrat Party Chairman Ray Buckley and his troglodytes if Maggie “Louisville Slugger” Hassan was a Republican. John DiStaso-Granite Status (When) asked by an audience member: “How can you beat a Republican opponent in this state this year?” And just as she begins to answer, … Read more

GrokTV Event-Granite State Institute of Politics Republican Gov. Debate – Intro Ceremonies and Candidate Opening Remarks

Last night was the Granite State Institute of Politics Republican Gov. Debate that was hosted and moderated by John Burt.  The two candidates seeking the Republican nomination for NH were Ovide Lamontagne and Kevin Smith.  Questioners were Alex Talcott (Communications Director for 4RG) and Speaker of the NH House Bill ‘Brien.  The debate lasted about … Read more

GrokTV Special Interview: Andrew Hemingway, Chair, 4RG

Andrew Hemingway has started a new PAC here in NH called 4RG.  He takes a few minutes to talk with GraniteGrok about its mission (For a Republican Governor) and why the election of either of the two Left wing extremist Progressives, Jackie Cilley or Maggie Hassan, would be a disaster for constitutional governance and limited … Read more

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