
I haven’t yet commented on Hillary’s “deplorable” outburst yet, but New England talker and Boston Herald columnist Howie Carr has and is offering up, a la Jeff Foxworthy’s “you might be a redneck if” style way of showing who Hillary Clinton was targeting (emphasis mine): In case you’ve been wondering which side you’re on, you … Read more

Someone We’re Familiar With Suggested Faking a Sex Scandal To Punk Trump

Democrat operative and NH Vote thief Janice Rottenberg has a history that eventually linked up to Christina Freundlich. Freundlich, another young trained-in-nothing-productive Democrat operative (Iowa Democrat Party), got famous taking a selfie in front a tragic gas explosion and fire. She is now a Deputy Communications Director for the Democrat National Committee, where her latest claim to fame surfaces … Read more

Kelly Ayotte Will Officiate Arianna Brown’s Wedding

“Happy Couple” has just taken on a new layer of nuance… U.S. Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) will officiate the wedding of Arianna Brown, the daughter of Republican Senate candidate Scott Brown, on Sunday, according toWMUR-TV. Ayotte endorsed Brown in late May, and the two have joked that the other is their “wing man,” or would … Read more

Pro-Second Amendment / Anti-Scott Brown rally – DaTechGuy!

The next person that I spotted was kinda in camouflage – normally it is his trademark Fedora hat I see but he had hidden it, given the season, under a red and white Santa hat.  To be honest, I was a bit surprised to see this MA based blogger (head of the DaTechGuy site and … Read more

GrokTV Special Interviews from OccupyNH (Occupy Wall Street): Ben DiZoglio

Another person at the Occupy Wall Street / OccupyNH rally yesterday in Manchester was Ben DiZoglio.  As opposed to Leah and Mirav, he seemed genuinely attached to the movement here. He had noticed that I was recording the event and offered that since they now had some power, offered an outlet for use (unfortunately I … Read more

Operation America Rising– New Hampshire

    Operation America Rising New Hampshire is coming to Greely Park in Nashua, NH!  Don’t miss this extraordinary event! They have answered the call to serve and sacrifice-now it is our turn!  Answer this call to show your gratitude and support for all they do! . Saturday July 7, 2007 12:00Noon Greeley Park, Concord … Read more

A Sunday morning talking head show for NH…

    . After many years of watching the Sunday morning talking heads shows, this weekend, I’ll be staring back FROM the set. Arnie Arnesen, former Democratic gubernatorial candidate and long-time liberal NH political pundit hosts a program about NH politics called "Political Chowder." I was invited to be a member of the panel discussion … Read more