Watch: Supreme Court Nominee Can’t Define What a Woman Is or When Life Begins, Plus Her Serious Child-Porn-Offender Sentencing Problem

Our Constitutional Republic is in deep doo doo. But many of you already know that. Take a look at the video below regarding the confirmation hearing of Joe Biden’s nominee for the Supreme Court, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson.

If the ramifications of her potential appointment weren’t so disturbing, it would make for a great SNL skit.

Senator Marsha Blackburn asked a simple question that any five year old should be able to answer, “Can you provide a definition for the word woman?”  Jackson’s response?  “No, I can’t …  I’m not a biologist.”  Jackson also said she doesn’t know when life begins.

If that doesn’t disturb you, then watch this episode of Steve Bannon’s War Room, where Judge Jackson’s history of dramatically reducing sentences for child pornography is first exposed by Senator Ted Cruz (@ 5:42 – 8:45), and again by Senator Josh Hawley.

Here are a few excerpts from Sen. Hawley from 15:00 – 19:05.

United States vs Hawkins. The defendant was Wesley Hawkins. He was 18 years old at the time.

This is from the government’s sentencing memorandum in this case. Just so we understand the facts, here some of the videos that the government charged and they recovered.

  • There is a 24:06 video depicting a 12 year old male committing a sexual act.  I’m not going to read exactly what it was.
  • There is a 1:57 video depicting an 8 year old committing a sexual act.
  • There was an 11:47 video depicting an 11 year old committing a sexual act and being raped by an adult male.
  • There was a 15:19 video depicting two 11 year olds committing sexual acts.
  • There was a 7:51 video depicting a 12 year old committing a sexual act.

So as the government said in this case, and I’m quoting now from the transcript at the sentencing hearing

“Seventeen videos is a lot. And some of the videos, including the ones that are described in the statement of the offense, and I’ve just related some of them, are very lengthy and include numerous images, numerous views, sometimes collages, sometimes multiple victims you see the act in progress.”

The government goes on to describe some of these as sadomasochistic images.

You talked about it this morning said these cases are terrible. This is one of them. This is terrible stuff. This is not a good guy who is doing this stuff.

Guidelines in this case was 97-121 months. So if I’m doing my math right that is up to ten years.  And in this case the guidelines recommendations were essentially written by Congress.

I know you remember the Protect Act. You’ve talked about it. You’ve given lectures on it. And it was enacted as I said in 2003.

So Congress has set the guidelines here, 84-0 in the Senate.

Congress sets the range. Essentially it’s 97 months up to 10 years.

The prosecutor in this case nevertheless still asked for two full years in prison.  You gave the defendant three months.  Guidelines called for 10 years, prosecutor wanted at least 2, you gave him 3 months.

Jackson admitted the evidence was “heinous and egregious” (@ 21:08) but reduced the sentence to 3 months.

Later on (@ 30:59), Sen. Hawley reminded Jackson said the following while apologizing to the defendant,

“This is a truly difficult situation. I appreciate that your family is in the audience. I feel so sorry for them and for you, and for the anguish this has caused all of you. I feel terrible about the collateral consequences of this conviction. 

Jackson treated the child sex offender as if he were the victim.

You can watch the video and come to your own conclusions.



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