Personal Endorsement – Dawn Johnson for Laconia Mayor

by Skip

I’ve known Dawn for a few years now – extremely hard working, stands on principles, and is tired of the same old, same old that oft goes on here in NH. She’s not obligated in any way to the “good ole’ boys” networks and sees the calcification of Laconia politics – and hates it. So, she decided to do something about it. Just an ordinary Mom with kids in school – and ran for School Board to make a difference. She ran for the NH House as a State Rep to make a difference.  She has.

There’s a lot of people that don’t like her – all the “correct” wrong people that have made much of her short political career in attempts to dissuade potential voters from voting for her.  They call it Social Justice – I call it Democrat Mob Justice. They know a fighter when they see one and have even thrown the proverbial political sink at her – hater, extremist, Nazi, KKK, homophobe, xenophobe, mysogynist (whoa, what??).  Such a bunch of intolerant “We’re TOLERANT” schmucks.

You know, like what I’ve been called over the years. What YOU have been called most of these years – simply because you think for yourself and refuse to be bullied about what you believe in.

That’s Dawn, too!

I can’t vote for her as I live in the next town over. But I HIGHLY endorse Dawn over Andrew Hosmer, the incumbent. You know, the one that moved out of Laconia to new (expensive) digs on Governors Island – in Gilford. And when caught, he mumbled his way to buying “his permanent home” back in Laconia. Yeah, whitewash things when he got caught. He was a dismal choice for NH State Rep as well. You know, one of those that wanted to be “seen” rather wanting to do something.

I ask for all those Conservatarians in Laconia to decide that you deserve better than this “I’m hiding that I’m a Democrat in this non-partisan race” (thinking some will actually believe him).  You DO deserve better but you have to make it happen. Time to turn out and get it done. Drag your family and friends along with you – your property taxes are depending on you!

In her own words:

Hello, I’m DAWN JOHNSON and I am asking for your vote on November 2nd for Mayor of Laconia.

I’m a Conservative Republican who believes its time to stand up and speak up for our rights and freedoms.

We need someone who believes the government works for the people not the other way around.

Laconia now has a lobbyist as our mayor who believes in “gentleman’s agreements” and is NOT forthright with the citizens of Laconia. He has NOT addressed our cities major problems.

I believe in honesty, transparency and integrity. I believe in the Constitution of NH and the Constitution of the United States and what they stand for. We need to take back our Country and this starts at the local level.

A vote for me, DAWN JOHNSON, is a vote to reduce crime, drugs and to help the homeless. I will also work hard to fix the Court St mess!

If you believe the government should work for “the people”, if you believe in honesty and transparency, then you need to vote for me, DAWN JOHNSON, on November 2nd, a real Laconia Resident, a real voice for the citizens of Laconia and a Conservative Republican.

Time to make a change – make that change from that paid lobbyist for special interest groups to a proven fighter for traditional American family values.

(endorsement is mine alone and not a GraniteGrok one)


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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