Monday, February 3rd, is ending/banning offshore wind House hearing day in Concord! Please take a look at the attached bill schedule; three are on the docket. I am the prime sponsor of HB 575, but we need support for all three listed below. Please share this far and wide. It would be great to pack the room.
- 9:00 AM – HB682 – relative to the office of offshore wind industry, the offshore and port development commission, and the office of energy innovation.
- 9:30 AM – HB575 – prohibiting offshore wind energy infrastructure.
- 10:30 AM – HCR4 – relative to rejecting all offshore wind energy projects in the waters off the coast of New Hampshire and the Gulf of Maine.
Use this link to click on each bill being heard to view the complete bill.
In-Person Support:
Legislative Office Building – Room: 302-304
33 North State Street
Concord, NH 03301
Online Support and/or Testimony:
Submit online testimony here (graphic example below).

I appreciate your help in getting the word out!