Republicans went from “EFAs will help low-income, urban kids get out of failing public schools” to “Universal School Choice” so fast, I’m not sure what happened to the so-called conservatives. Political pressure?
Are any of you voters asking hard questions or understanding the program enough to truly support Republicans removing the income requirement?
Taxpayer funded EFAs cost money. Tax revenue should be meticulously guarded by conservatives, right? The majority of kids were not switchers (the promised target population of kids switching from public school to other options), and if this passes, the majority, *again*, will be FAMILIES WHO WERE ALREADY PAYING FOR THEIR OWN CHOICES. These funds are a new, additional taxpayer responsibility.
This program is not, “money follows the child” or “it’s your tax money anyway,” folks. It’s all of our tax money. You, me and my elderly neighbor are paying for kids to go to PCA, some kid’s pottery wheel, and brand new equestrian boots. We are paying for “Amazon” purchases. Oops, no full audit on what the heck was actually purchased is available.
Can someone please explain where you think this money is going to come from? And don’t try to feed me some bullcrap and call it more freedom. More government is shackles, not freedom. Our preferred flavor of government is still the government, folks. Families who already pay tuition, or for their own iPhones and Nikes, or expensive, new curriculum (just to turn around and sell it when it doesn’t work out) are already an additional cost to taxpayers *right now* because of this program.
CSF includes students from before the start of the program to pad the numbers to make it look like there are more switchers than there actually are. That’s some really fuzzy math going on.
What’s the additional tax revenue requirement from taxpayers going to be for families who switch to EFA? Anyone? Again, these are *new* liabilities.
Lifting the income requirements is fiscally irresponsible and unsupportable without higher or additional taxes. Right now, the people of our great state receive property tax hikes so large that it threatens their homes. I know y’all are on your town pages and see it. Right now, we *need* a return to the liberty-minded, SMALL GOVERNMENT Republican conservatism that NH desperately needs. The NH advantage is at stake here.
EFA money is propping up small religious schools (and a handful of big ones) across the state. What happens in a few years when Dems gain the majority? I’ll tell you, they are going after these schools first. Tiny Christian schools must decide: comply, or you can’t accept the government funds anymore. Trans kids and their pronouns/bathrooms, SEL, shouts of discrimination, etc. Can that tiny school survive without government money?
*This is not liberty or conservatism; it’s short-sighted.*
Families who homeschool with EFA funds are not Home Educators. They sign a contract with CSF and are no longer Home Education, third pathway. The majority of us do not want government money, because we know exactly how this is going to end. More government oversight, regulations and requirements now will only grow as this thing balloons out of control. The loose requirements never last. This program has devastated our community. It has driven prices up, quality down, and taken us from a grassroots, voluntary, and familial free market to a created market. It’s all about grabbing that “free” money from EFA families, and Home Educators are the bad guys for holding the line against bigger government. I’ll be the bad guy all day long if that looks like rejecting bad ideas.
What’s going to happen when Dems gain the majority? They will act with unbearable vengeance, and change the rules. Then what? Tiny Christian schools will fold, EFA homeschoolers will flee to Home Education and all that data…. well it’s in NY, a bastion of freedom, so I’m sure it will be fine?
Let’s talk about it. Here and elsewhere. Let’s engage our Representatives, Senators, and brand new Governor. Let’s be fiscally and socially responsible citizens and reject the group- think about what’s going on here. No one is looking at this critically in our party. If you have something to say, say it. Don’t try coming at me with personal attacks, how I’m “attacking our own” nonsense, or logical fallacies. I know exactly what I’m talking about 😉
I have hope that conservatives will push back on “Universal” *anything* coming out of our legislature.
Amanda Weeden is a Veteran Home Educator, Home Education Advocate and leader in the Home Education community in NH. She is an unashamed, liberty-minded, Christian Republican.
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