Do you remember JW Carney, the defense attorney that looks like Comrade Andru Volinsky and is known for his list of notorious clients? When Mr Addison, killer of Officer Briggs, was recently in the news, I noticed Daryl Abbas appeared in this WMUR video sitting at his courtroom desk, presumably as a member of Addison’s legal dream team. Abbas is not credited or identified in the video, but he can be seen gesturing into his mic as though he’s First Chair. Maybe I’ve watched too much Boston Legal, but that’s what it looks like.
I know that Abbas practices law in Carney’s state, Massachusetts, but I learned a few things from Attorney Gens, defense counsel to Terese and her fellow arrest victims, during their 20 months of tormenting lawfare. Attorney Brad Stanton played First Chair for their kangaroo court hearings because he’s part of the NH Bar, but Attorney Gens mentioned his own paperwork, making himself a member of the NH Bar for that case only. It’s unknown to me which Bar status situation applies to Abbas, and I won’t bother asking because he hasn’t replied to any of my attempts to discuss a bill I requested.
Because Addison is such a high-profile defendant, it’s natural to expect a lawyer with equal name recognition. I thought of JW Carney, who I mistakenly thought was the marathon bomber’s and Owen Labrie’s lawyer. Though confirming that I was wrong, I still thought Addison was the kind of client that would retain Carney. I also did some poking around for dates on the timeline; it appears that the death of Officer Briggs occurred while Daryl Abbas was in law school. Where did all the time go?
While I’m still mad at Abbas for being an enemy of 91A and a fair-weather Queen Sharon Sheeple (remember he defied her will voting OTP on pot, but not against HB 1002), he is a rising star, both in the senate (promoted to Judiciary vice chair) and apparently in the legal world also. WMUR should have tagged him in that video and I’m going to say something to Adam Sexton next time I run into him.
Oh, and speaking of Judiciary, did you know that gun grabber Altschiller has joined that committee? There is no Criminal Justice committee in the Senate, so the Judiciary is where all gun bills, good and bad, happen to go. I find the thought of Abbas and Altschiller together in committee very amusing because it was Abbas who regularly stood up, buttoned his suit, and started into a Point of Order during Altschiller’s signature diatribes at the end of the day. Since she’s already been reprimanded, albeit softly, by squishy Jeb, I doubt she will carry on such shenanigans in “Sharon’s Senate.” That means Little Debbie will have to take her circus act elsewhere. Will that elsewhere be Senate Judiciary?
While you ponder that question, let’s play Lawyers, Guns, and Money.