The Damn Emperor Turns 50

by Julie Smith

Did you know there was a midterm election on Tuesday, November 5, 1974?  Now, everyone reading this does.  As a kindergartener, I didn’t even know what a governor was, but bad things happened on both sides of the state line that day.  One bad governor was born, and another was elected.  It was a few years later, and just a few days after the Blizzard of 78, when I made some aftermath-related comments to Mrs Bennett, the postmaster, as I got the family mail.  She replied, “Governor Dukakis said…(some executive order),” leaving a bad taste in my young mouth.  I walked home thinking, “Who is this governor guy, and why does he get to act like my parents(who I’m certain didn’t vote for him)?”

It wasn’t until 1990 that I escaped from the Commonwealth and registered in time to vote in NH (for Judd Gregg’s reelection).  I was a low-information voter bragging at the Thanksgiving dinner table about having cast my first NH ballot when my dad chimed in with, “You do know that his father was the governor, right?”  I did not nor did I give it much thought, either, until the Damn Emperor appeared in the 2016 primary.  At this point, I will encourage readers to talk to people who worked tirelessly to campaign and canvass for Frank Edelblut.  Some will tell you about Frank winning the primary in Nashua and elsewhere before Portsmouth turned in its numbers hours after the polls closed.  Doesn’t THAT sound familiar?  This was years before Old Man Sununu’s ties to Accuvote/LHS/Dominion, or whatever name you prefer to use, were made common knowledge.

I didn’t even know what a RINO was until c.2015-2016 when Kelly Ayotte and Charlie Baker were in office.  Their terms overlapped a few years on the timeline, and my dad complained about both of them at that time.  Little did I know that the Live Free or Die state would later become a tyranny and one that a Republican could take credit for.  It was unimaginable, at least to me.  Lily Tang Williams said it first in her 2022 campaign, “I fear that the country I love is becoming like the country I left.”  One might argue that, in many ways, we are already Massachusetts, which Kelley Potenza summed up well in her 9/29/21 words to the muzzled Adam Sexton, calling His Excellency a “fake Republican” and noting that we’re literally living in mild communism here.  That was two weeks before the (not) famous (enough) Executive Council arrests.

So here we are, having to elect a “Sununu in a skirt” because it’s the only viable way to stop Joyce Craig and her destructive agenda.  The Damn Emperor, being the spoiled brat that he is, will get his way for his milestone birthday and with all the blessings of his old man.  I don’t remember who to give credit to, but someone in the Grok community said the State Royal Family’s parting gift to NH is populating the Corner Office with a Trump hater.

Do you agree?  Share your thoughts in the comments below.


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