Mr. Rabideau, my middle school photography teacher, often preached “halves and doubles” in lecturing about tweaking the F-stop and shutter speed. The institution of substitution was what his lesson was about. Take a different example from the grocery store junk food aisle. When some Sunshine or Nabisco product introduces a new version labeled as “reduced sugar” or “fat-free,” all you have to do is consult the nutrition facts label to see what’s going on because it’s not a significantly REDUCED CALORIE version. They usually up their amount of sugar to offset the less fat or fat to replace the reduction in sugar.
I’ll offer one more thought that should appeal to the “End the Fed” readers. There was a Thomas Sowell interview in which he was asked about the idea of ending the Federal Reserve and what he suggested as its replacement. He said something like, “If the surgeon removes a cancer, what do you replace it with?”
Can WMUR please stop inserting lies into their stories? Wait. The better-worded request is, “Can they please stop inserting lies AND stop replacing recanted lies with other lies?”
Nurse Terese (or someone on her legal team) insisted that WMUR fix the story I referenced in my recent “shame on Marissa Tansino” article. Having read my examples of photography, junk food, and economics, you can probably predict what happened. Arielle Mitropoulos was sent to the anchor desk to report an update, which Terese also took her own video of and is presently not found on their website. One of the replacement lies said was, “Seven of the nine people arrested have filed a federal lawsuit.” Had they bothered to look at the court docket, the truth is that 6 of the arrest victims filed a lawsuit, and the 7th plaintiff is a minor child, not an arrestee. The following was also said in the new video:
“Officials say they were arrested after disrupting the meeting, causing it to be shut down. The group said they were there to speak about federal funds for covid 19 vaccines in the state.”
As I said in my last article, there is NO public comment in ordinary executive council meetings, but Arielle’s comment clearly refers to the abruptly canceled St A’s meeting two weeks earlier, also mentioned in my previous article, but not on the day of the arrests.
It’s customary to finish an article with a final remark to leave with the readers, but SUBSTITUTION is the theme du jour. I will substitute an ending quip for a sound byte of future Rep Kelley Potenza reprimanding Adam Sexton into the Reps Hall mic during a 1/13/22 Senate HHS hearing for SB 288. Skip to 1:25:18 after you click here to hear her say, “And Adam Sexton, over there, why don’t you report the REAL news of what’s going on in this state?”