Did NH Schools Put Your Child At Risk From A Convicted Child Sex Offender?

Ann Marie Banfield

The following email was sent to the following public schools in New Hampshire. Some of them will be required to hand over documents per the 91-a, Right to Know Request:

To the Superintendents and School Board Members,

My name is Ann Marie Banfield and I am a parental rights advocate in New Hampshire. My focus is on excellence in education.

This year students, children and families were subjected to sharing the soccer field with a convicted sex offender. Court documents show the father of a soccer player for Kearsarge, Marc Jacques, pled guilty to possessing and distributing child sexual abuse images. He was reportedly taking pictures of minor females in the community and superimposing their faces onto sexual images. He then shared those images with other sex offenders along with the child’s Instagram account. He also urged a sex offender to contact a child. He is paying restitution to four identified victims. Marc Jacques was caught with hundreds of child sexual abuse images on his devices, clearly making him a danger to children.

As parents begin to discover that a child sexual predator attended several girls soccer games this year but were not notified, their anger is brewing. We know that some parents in the community alerted some of you prior to the soccer game.

Did you make sure parents were fully aware that this convicted sex offender could be at the game?
Did they know that they had a good chance of putting their child in the path of a child sexual offender if they attended the soccer game?
Did the administrators in Kearsarge explain this to all of the parents, and then notify administrators that a convicted child sexual offender was attending the games with a cellphone in hand?
Parents want answers.

We have pictures and videos of a child sexual offender near children at some of these games, and parents have been kept in the dark. Children have been put in harm’s way, with unsuspecting parents in attendance. Did anyone reference RSA 196-C to see if, as mandatory reporters, you should be reporting this activity? I know I will be asking a group of attorneys to look at this situation.

Parents in Hopkinton contacted me saying they were not notified their children could be in the presence of a child sexual offender if they attended the Kearsarge Girls Soccer Game. Yet I know that the administrators were warned, not by Kearsarge administrators, but by concerned moms who knew what was going on. Why is no one telling parents any of this? Where is the transparency? Why is no one attempting to protect children? You are all in charge of children in your district, and this is not being reported to parents. What is going on?

Marc Jacques was re-arrested on Friday, October 18th. One report from WMUR said Jacques was in possession of more illegal images. Do you know if any of these new images include soccer players on your teams? What about the children from families who attended those games? I’m going to assume some of the families will want to know that this happened and that those of you who were aware of this failed to notify parents and protect the children who were attending the games.

No one knows if Jacques will be granted bail, and if he will re emerge at another soccer game. Parents need to be fully informed about all of this going forward.

A Kearsarge administrator also testified this year before the House Education Committee in opposition of House Bill 1419 The Bill would have prohibited materials that are obscene or harmful to minors in school, and would have created a procedure for removal and cause of action. Books on some school library apps allow children to access hyper-links to sexual predators. That’s considered sex trafficking. Michael Bessett, Assistant Superintendent in the Kearsarge Regional School District testified to the reasons he had for opposing legislation that would prohibit X-rated content in the schools, and a sexual predator’s ability to contact young children. You can listen to his testimony here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuC2cCvchgw (1:13:30) You can also listen to testimony on how this puts children in danger at (1:38:06).
Everyone is beginning to ask, what is going on in Kearsarge? Why are they willing to put children in danger?

NH House Education Committee hearing on HB1419

Do residents in all of your communities know if you pay dues to the NH School Administrators Association? Sydney Leggett, from the NHSAA Equity Committee, essentially says that students have a right to access pornographic materials in the school. Leggett claimed that HB1419 would infringe upon their rights, and deny them access to porn and materials that show them how to connect with sexual predators.

What is going on in these public schools?

Consider this a formal 91-a Right to Know Request to Kearsarge and the schools that have played soccer games against Kearsarge :
1) Kearsarge
2) Mountain Prospect
3) Campell, Newfound
4) Stevens
5) Inter-Lakes
7) Hillsboro-Deering
8) Newport
10) Mascoma Valley

Pursuant to the Right to Know Law (RSA, 91-1), I am requesting public access, within 5 business days, to the governmental records:

1) All Emails, notes communications sent or received in the district regarding Marc Jacques, CONVICTED Child Sexual Offender.

I know some of these communications were in the form of a phone call from parents warning administrators. I also know that some of the information shared with the Bishop Brady Administrators was false.

Per RSA 91-A:4IV(C) If you deny any portion of this request, please cite the specific exemption used to justify the denial to make each record, or part thereof, available for inspection along with a brief explanation of how the exemption applies to the information withheld.
Marc Jacques .png

Ann Marie Banfield

Per RSA 91-A:4IV(C) If you deny any portion of this request, please cite the specific exemption used to justify the denial to make each record, or part thereof, available for inspection along with a brief explanation of how the exemption applies to the information withheld.


  • Ann Marie Banfield

    Ann Marie Banfield has been researching education reform for over a decade and actively supports parental rights, literacy and academic excellence in k-12 schools. You can contact her at: banfieldannmarie@gmail.com

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