Lily Tang Williams: Why I need your Vote Tuesday

Lily Tang Williams

I am Lily Tang Williams, Republican for Congress in New Hampshire’s 2nd Congressional District.

I was born in China to poor working-class parents and survived Mao’s Cultural Revolution and Communist dictatorship. I wanted freedom. America was my promised land.

I was 23 when I came to the U.S., arriving with $100 in my pocket, knowing very little English, and in debt of $1,200 to my American sponsor. I worked hard to make my American dream come true and became a proud citizen 30 years ago.

Today, I am happily married with three adult children, have my own businesses, and live in the Granite State, where the spirit of liberty abounds. My concern is that my children won’t have these same opportunities.

The U.S. has hit a record $35 trillion national debt for the first time in its history. We now spend $2 billion per day on the interest alone. It is very disconcerting to see our government take on such debt to kick that can down the road, printing money, driving up inflation, along with interest and mortgage rates. Young people can’t afford to rent or buy a home.

We must stop deficit spending, bring down the inflation, balance the budget, pay down the national debt, cut regulations that hurt New Hampshire businesses, and unleash the entrepreneurial spirit of our citizens so that our economy can grow.

We must secure our borders. More than 9 million illegals have come to our country with Biden-Harris financial incentives. It is a slap in the face to the legal immigrants like my brother who followed our laws and waited 13 years to come to America with my sponsorship. It is draining our community resources and causing high crimes on the back of taxpayers.

I am running for Congress to save the American Dream. I love this great country and our Live Free or Die state. I want to give back to this country and the Granite Staters who welcomed me with open arms.

Please vote for me on September 10th. I will be honored to represent and serve the people of New Hampshire.

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