Banfield: Remove Your Children From Social and Emotional (SEL) Learning, Here’s Why

As Social and Emotional Learning transitions to Transformative SEL, you will see more radicalized political agendas. Second Step, which is used in many NH schools, shows how some of that will be introduced to your children.

CASEL is the gatekeeper for all SEL programs. In one of CASEL’s videos, you can hear how the trainers expect teachers to become political activists when teaching SEL in your child’s school.

If you fast forward to about 52:00, you will learn about how things like “rebel leadership” by getting into “good trouble.”  Your children will learn about resisting, oppression, and collectivism (this means communism vs individualism). This is a far left political agenda that will be incorporated into your child’s SEL class.

CASEL invited leaders from the National Equity Project to train their SEL educators on how to “break the rules” & become “rebel leaders” who can utilize SEL in service of racial equity & social justice.

Let’s not forget CASEL tells you that learning the academics is no longer important because we have the internet. Watch them admit it in this short video:

This isn’t a focus on children learning to read, write, add, and subtract, as some would have you believe. This doesn’t help children master their math facts or elevate their reading comprehension. But those who will sell you on the Multi-Tiered System of Support, where SEL is Tier 1 of 3 Tiers, would have you believe that MTSS-B is all about helping children succeed in their academics.

SEL may have started out as a pipe dream to help teachers and students in the classroom, but now that it’s installed in classes across New Hampshire, expect to see more of this as SEL transitions to Transformative SEL.

What are some parents already doing to combat this dumbing down in their schools? They are removing their children from SEL programming and sending them to the library to work on academic materials. Unfortunately, some SEL is embedded in the curriculum, which will make it hard to escape. But for those children who have to attend SEL classes, NH law allows you to OPT your child out of objectionable materials.

If you are wondering how public schools turn children into illiterate political activists, look no further than programs like this used in your local public school.


  • Ann Marie Banfield

    Ann Marie Banfield has been researching education reform for over a decade and actively supports parental rights, literacy and academic excellence in k-12 schools. You can contact her at:

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