Prescott & Wuelper

The district that always gets all the attention, money, and resources certainly doesn’t need MY attention as I’m just a private citizen voter that can’t vote in that primary.  However, if I could, it would probably be for Hollie.

Norm Silber introduced us last spring at the Pine Tree Riot event, and she made a good impression.  Because I have no skin in that game, I haven’t invested much time into researching the whole slate of candidates.  However, one of Hollie’s opponents, Councilor Prescott, did something that no toll road user should ever forget!  He tried to raise the tolls.

That was in 2017, but I happen to have an excellent memory for such things.  Just ask Ms. Melanie Levesque about her crime against NH 2 years later!  Voting for a new tax is NEVER acceptable, nor is advocating for one or trying to raise an existing one. Add to that list of tax-related crimes against Granite Staters a passive one that is less known.  More on that in a moment, but let’s get back to the present.

Councilor Prescott and Hollie were recently sparring about Planned Parenthood stuff, and I’ll stay out of that one, at least for this article.  However, a tweet by Hollie got my attention when she mentioned a Prescott apologist that I remember from 2022.  That’s former Rep Wuelper, who’s running for office again, presumably as a single-issue candidate.  I haven’t looked into that race, but I hope he’s in a primary because he’s definitely unworthy of office though I’m aware that the Cornerstoners are probably willing to fight me on that one. That lesser-known crime against NH that I mentioned earlier was voting to uncap Nashua.

While most readers might not care about Nashua’s dirty laundry, I urge them to consider that taking the “but it could NEVER happen HERE” attitude is very dangerous.  I won’t get into the weeds of HB 1342 and the target of its assault, SB 52 from the previous year, but I’ve offered enough search words for some independent study if desired.  Rep Wuelper voted the wrong way on HB 1342, and so did Ted Gorski of Bedford.  Shame on both of them, but I’m pleased to report that the death of that horrible bill occurred in that House roll call on 3/17/22.

I know I’m expected to close with a nifty conclusion or a preemptive rebuttal to the anticipated “so what” comment, but I’ll stray from the traditional model with a few things to consider.  One of them is in the courts.  The opposition always strives to poke holes in the credibility of witnesses and the credentials of experts.  Anyone trying to prop up a favored higher office candidate warrants just as much personal scrutiny as that candidate itself.  Wuelper and Gorski have tarnished their credibility as conservatives, and their endorsements should be considered a liability rather than an asset.  Wuelper is a RINO that is rallying for another RINO, and what makes them both RINOs, as does their records when it comes to taxation.  Video montage artist Allison Dyer is known for her signature closing comment, “Elections have consequences.”  I should follow that model with, when relevant, reminding the readers that taxation is theft.  

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