This year I was the prime sponsor of eight bills and co-sponsored thirteen more. Of my prime bills, five have passed and four have been signed into law:
HB 70, authorizing a certificate for eyebrow microblading rather than a full tattoo license; HB94, making nearly all professional licenses valid for two years, rather than one; HB 369, expanding the scope of practice for occupational therapists and eliminating a redundant certification; and HB 630, allowing electronic signatures in rulemaking (you can see that I’m popular with the agencies in getting their requests into law – only HB 70 was my original idea!). HB 606, deleting the crime of barbering/cosmetology without a license when not for pay, is on its way to the governor.
HB 72, an update to the state building codes, was retained in the Senate by agreement, since its content was included in SB 15, which has passed both chambers and is heading to the governor. HB629, legalizing cannabis possession and growth (but not sales) was held in the House committee for further work and possible combination with other legalization bills.
Only HB 499 – banning face recognition technology – failed this year, killed in the Senate on issues of legal application. I may try again next year just banning state face databases – that generated a lot less opposition and might well pass.
For next year, I’m also working on cleaning up the laws for the plumbing board (requested by another representative whose constituent asked him), and reconsidering the liquor license laws. Anyone with a suggestion or concern can get in touch with me this summer; the bill filing period is in September. The redistricting committee met this week to go over the applicable laws and our schedule; we won’t get final numbers from the Census until August 16 (and that will be in an antiquated, user unfriendly format…) so no action until then.