Like their counterparts in Washington, the Democrats in Augusta are digging themselves a hole they may not escape for years. Through bad legislation and decision-making, they have taken a budget surplus they inherited and squandered it into a significant deficit. They have moved a traditionally conservative state to the progressive Left. They abandoned the values of rural New England to appease the urban elites who had conquered the metropolitan cities. They have made Maine one of the most expensive states in the country, with few opportunities for the middle class to advance themselves and one of the worst education systems in America.
The obsession they cling to of the WOKE minority to kill the unborn, surgically manipulate the young, and blur the lines between male and female has created either a martyr or powerhouse of one of their political foes that they will need to contend with in the near future. The Left’s effort to silence their most aggressive and popular foe has backfired miserably, and Laurel Libby has become well known nationally as the female Maine Legislator who the Democrat machine in Augusta tried to muzzle.
Representative Laurel Libby has been a rising star and force in the Republican Party, representing the good people of Auburn and Minot. In addition to being a fiscal conservative who has worked diligently to reign in out-of-control Democrat spending, she has been a strong voice for the unborn, fighting in opposition to one of the most liberal abortion laws in the country adopted and passed by the Maine Democrats. Libby has advocated for the right to vote for Maine’s citizens by pushing hard for Voter ID legislation that will help ensure the validity of every vote and prevent non-citizens from voting in Maine elections. She helped to create the most significant grassroots political action group in Maine, The Dinner Table, that has awakened and empowered the Republicans of this great state to take action and reclaim the state that the progressive and radical elite has stolen.
Representative Libby has given a voice to the Mainers who had been silenced and turned the meek into a group of political activists convinced they can make a difference. When Governor Janet Mills and her chosen Speaker of the House, Ryan Fecteau, decided to create a bogus situation that effectively duct taped Representative Libby’s mouth on the House floor and disenfranchised the 9,000 people she represents, they gave her a national voice and presence that has shined a bright light on the poor leadership and corruptness that festers in the halls of the Maine State House. Laurel Libby does not want to be a martyr, but she is prepared to be the powerhouse who will lead the Republican Party back into control in Augusta and restore common sense and direction for Maine in her future.
The Maine Democrat Party, very much like the progressives in D.C., has shown they are a destructive party, hellbent on bringing our country down, but has created a powerful force in Representative Laurel Libby, who may be the right person to put the final nail in the coffin of the Maine Left. The smartest thing the Democrats should do is remove the tape from Libby’s mouth and quiet her cause but in the spirit of bad decision making, they will not do the only thing that might save them, and that is wonderful for Republicans.