Porn in Maine Schools? Democrats Are Insisting It Should Be There (and here!). GrokPAC says NO!

by Skip

Four days ago, I introduced GrokPAC, GraniteGrok’s more politically active offshoot with its registration “description” of “No better friend, no worse energy.”

And in that introduction post, I brought up this graphic that well represents the end goal of the Democrat Citizens for Belknap  PAC – not “saving Gunstock” (that was just a distraction) but to turn Belknap County from Red Republican to Blue Democrat. After all, their own “voter guide” portrays ONLY Democrats are “reasonable and responsible,” along with the led-by-the-nose Republicans helping them along in their aims. Good going – hanging your Party in hopes of your own re-election.

So once the decision was made to register GrokPAC, we hurridly created 100 signs (and broke my own 40mph rule) and put them around the county as a small statement to bolster what GraniteGrok has been saying for months:

Don’t know if a lot of people saw it, but the message was most likely achieved – having been planted by the Democrat Citizens for Belknap PAC’s signs, they’ll know that they won’t be the only player.  And in today’s Laconia Daily Sun, in their Voter Guide section, this graphic also appears (page 35, 1/2 page sized). No, we didn’t have the money to spend THIS time around but from my standpoint, mission accomplished – “there’s a competing player – you no longer have the playing field to yourself”.

But we’ve also done a much larger project. More on this tomorrow, but it has a lot to do with this post (GrokPAC activities) intermixed with this one from Maine:

Ban Pornography in Maine Schools

I’ll leave you with this teaser that was just sent out, by GrokPAC, to 65,000 households in NH (yes, in an envelope):

GrokPAC Mailer 2022 NH House campaign

(click to embiggen)

When parents in other areas have found these books, they’ve tried to read them to their School Boards at public meetings – and have been shut down by the Chair for reading “porn” (from their schools’ libraries) because there were children in the audience.

Yes, consider the irony of that.

I think it will be safe to say that the flip side of this letter will be rather upsetting to a few folks shortly.

I’m assuming that being Democrat-controlled, Citizens for Belknap PAC would be all in favor of allowing pornographic books in Public School Libraries, even to kindergartners.  Democrats support the Democrat Teacher’s Unions who are fighting this all over the nation.

So we’re just getting revved up…



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