The plethora of Presidential Advisors under Previous Democratic presidents was legendary, but since Mr. Musk hit the West Wing, the Handmaiden Media has had their contributions abducted, gagged, and relegated to the narrative dungeons under the swamps of DC.
Advisors? What advisors?
Jill Biden, an unelected Democrat best known as the “woman” in Joe Biden’s second marriage, is considered to have had significant sway in policy and decision-making from Jan 20, 2021, to Jan 20th, 2025. She even sat in on at least one of Joe’s infrequent Cabinet meetings. Those are where people chosen by the president and confirmed by the US Senate gather to discuss what’s happening in each of their respective agencies with their boss.
None of them are elected, either (but they are chosen by someone who is), and then elevated to positions of significant power and influence from which they lord over armies of unelected bureaucrats who create and manage rules with the force of law. Unelected – force of law.
This has been the way since Wilson, and the lack of squawking from the media hens has been similarly gagged and deposited next to the former Advisors to former Presidents, but there’s been a sea change. The current administration wants to know where all the taxdollars go while ambitiously removing swarms of unelected bureaucrats unconstitutionally exercising powers to which they are not entitled at the expense of American taxpayers.
To prevent both, the Democrat Industrial Complex (DIC) has chosen to target Advisor Musk and the Department of Government Efficiency, whose discoveries he shares with the Commander in Chief. Mr. Trump – as he does with all his staff, unelected, appointed, confirmed, or anyone invited as a guest with something to say – listens, prioritizes, and then does or does not issue some official directive.
But imagine, if you will, that someone like Elon Musk was some oligarchic Rasputin with the ear of the Chief Executive. He’s still exponentially better for America, Americans, and the free world than Kamala Harris. Musk has ideas. He can think on his feet. He knows not just how to build things, but he can envision a future with targets and is committed to getting the most productive output and the best result for the greatest value.
And before you launch into a litany of his failures, remember that we’re comparing him to the (at the very least) recent history of the US Government. Elon’s failures were greater successes than the Federal Government’s successes (if you can even think of any), and unlike the Government, he learned from them instead of institutionalizing them at taxpayer expense.
And Elon is not 36 trillion in debt – while currently holding the title of the World’s richest man.
I’d never vote for him, but I don’t have to. For the price of nothing, we get his expertise at efficiency and a cadre of young geniuses for two years. Their mission is to unravel the dark secrets and history of DC money laundering. Trails that lead to (very likely) trillions of tax dollars in waste fraud and abuse entwined in a tentacled mess guarded by that army of bureaucrats that the Democrat Industrial Complex can’t live without.
A Kamala Harris administration would hide all the wasted dollars funneled through partisan shell companies doing business as NGO’s to further the accumulation of debt, fund the growth of the unelected bureaucracy, and—ultimately—facilitate the economic collapse of a weakened United States of America.
The fact that this engineered collapse would be much more painful to everyone, especially the low and middle class, than any temporary delays (real or imagined) as Trump and Musk try to fix what the DICs in DC broke for fun and profit, is something we’re not supposed to talk about.
No one was supposed to talk about the corruption at USAID, the FBI, IRS, DOD, DOE, Treasury, or anywhere else, but America elected Donald Trump, in part because he made it a promise that’d he’d audit the federal government and he can surround himself with whatever advisors he chooses.
And so he has, and the Democrat Industrial Complex (Dems, RINOS, NGOs, WEFers, the MSM, UN, etc.) is projecting like mad. It was they who let the unelected rule, and it is they who ran unconstitutional governments, and to see it all at risk of collapsing on top of them is more than they can take.