Sixty-seven people are dead thanks to the Federal Aviation F-around and Find Out Administration (FAFAFOA). It is a problem that has been growing for over a decade of FAFO hiring policy decisions at the FAA and elsewhere that began during the Obama administration.
The Associated Press reported Thursday that preliminary findings by the Federal Aviation Administration showed that staffing at the air traffic control tower was “not normal,” and that one employee may have been trying to do the work of two people.
An issue of quality and capability that began,
[U]nder President Barack Obama’s administration, the FAA scrapped a skills-based test and a certification program, and replaced it with a biographical questionnaire to attract more diverse applicants to become air traffic controllers. The FAA previously drew most candidates from the military and a group of 36 colleges that offer air traffic control programs.
“The Obama administration implemented a biographical questionnaire at the FAA to shift the hiring focus away from objective aptitude. During my first term, my administration raised standards to achieve the highest standards of safety and excellence,” the Trump memorandum says. “But the Biden administration egregiously rejected merit-based hiring, requiring all executive departments and agencies to implement dangerous ‘diversity, equity, and inclusion’ tactics, and specifically recruiting individuals with ‘severe intellectual’ disabilities in the FAA.”
That was made worse, as we reported yesterday, by the Biden Administration.
The FAA’s critical staffing issues started —I am not making this up— with its mass layoffs in 2021 of controllers who refused to take the jabs. The agency has never recovered from that horrible mistake. It remains currently 3,000 controllers under normal staffing levels.
Thus, it is unsurprising that in its last survey in 2023, Pete Buttigieg’s DOT reported that 77% of critical air traffic control facilities were understaffed. The truth is probably closer to all of them.
Critics have said the policy that originated under Obama and was revived by former President Joe Biden gives more points to applicants who have not been employed for the past three years than to an applicant who has been a pilot or a veteran with an air traffic control-related military background. During his first term, Trump discarded the policy in 2018, but Biden reinstated it.
Democrats broke something else, and people died, and their first reaction is not to own it but to blame others. They’ll never say, we thought this would be good [for blank], and it didn’t work as planned. We’re sorry. That’s because it did work as intended. Everything is about the revolution, and the revolution’s only purpose is to destroy or collapse every system. To burn it all to ashes.
We must also recall that commercial flight is one of the evils of the modern world that should be reserved for the elite. It’s in the Green New Deal. They don’t want you to fly anywhere, and what keeps you grounded more effectively than the fear of dying in a plane crash?
And what increases the odds of plane crashes? Poorly trained, incapable, and understaffed air traffic control towers. That and DEI hiring demands pushed by deep-state-funded NGOs like the Human Rights Council.
This is deliberate, and Donald Trump has his work cut out for him trying to fix it. Deep state managers have promised to ignore lawful orders. Trump’s DOJ needs to make examples of these people with extreme prejudice.
They are all a threat to life and liberty.