It will have been hard to miss the weekend coup that occurred at the offices of USAID. Trump sent Team DOGE in, who locked everyone out and then told the entire USAID staff not to come to work on Monday.
“At the direction of Agency leadership, the USAID headquarters at the Ronald Reagan building in Washington, D.C. will be closed to Agency personnel on Monday, February 3, 2025. Agency personnel normally assigned to work at USAID headquarters will work remotely tomorrow, with the exception of personnel with essential on-site and building maintenance functions individually contacted by senior leadership,” said the email, of which CNN has obtained a copy.
Thousands of personal services contractors and civil servants lost access to email and USAID systems overnight.
When asked if leaders in their department appeared to have any more information on the future of the agency’s work, the source said: “Our senior leaders have all been fired.”
USAID’s web presence has gone dark, with a stripped-down “home” page erected under the Department of State Website, according to CNN.
Head of the Serpent?
The outrage was palpable as X as it filled with news about USAID.
If the deep state has funding tentacles USAID, it appears is the octopus’s body. Hundreds of billions of dollars are laundered through USAID to buy everything and everyone through a tangled series of incestuous NGOs whose leadership is a whos who of people you assumed swamp rats.
The grassroots have been having a field day using tools to dig in and uncover who is connected to these grants and how much. It’s a lot, and it’s everywhere. For example, Bill Kristol gets a handsome sum via an NGO funded by USAID.
And now we know why he peddles the approved narratives. His opinion is paid for, and the list of those is long and distinguished.
Lindsey Graham is on the list (Lindsey Graham – Director at International Republican Institute (EIN 521340267) as is NH Governor Kelly Ayotte (Kelly Ayotte – Director at International Republican Institute (EIN 521340267). Stacey Abrams, Karen Bass, Dona Barzile – thousands of names have, or at some point, have been reimbursed for their association with NGOs all receiving money through USAID.
If you’d like to take a deep dive, go here and get lost in one or more threads. The USAID octopus is into everything.
USAID isn’t some essential foreign aid arm of the US Government without which the world will collapse. Sure, it has probably done some small good. But at the granular level, it is a laundromat to buy people and organizations that protect USAID and the permanent bureaucratic class that sometimes provides foreign aid.
Trump and Musk have the head of the swamp creature on the DOGE chopping block. They have derailed the gravy train. USAID was a financial clearinghouse for waste, fraud, and abuse, and everyone who stands to lose their payday is pissed off two weeks into the Trump presidency.
It makes you wonder what the next two weeks will look like,