Now That Fauci Gotta Fetch His Own Ride

by Steve MacDonald

Little Tony Fauci – his commemorative bobbleheads are life-sized – has one of the most severe cases of Napolean Syndrome in human history. He may also be responsible for more deaths than the French Dictator, but that will take years and historians to decide. Suffice it to say that lying little shit did us dirty and came out shiny. He’s loaded and lauded and, as such, need never leave the comfort of the bubble in which he lives or expose himself to the people he harmed.

According to required federal ethics and financial disclosures, Dr. Anthony Fauci and his wife, Dr. Christine Grady, who also worked at the National Institutes of Health, saw their net worth increase from $7.6 million to $11 million during the pandemic years.

There are few better examples of a two-class (THEM vs. US) socialist utopia than Fauci. He got rich working for the government, using connections, and selling influence. No one slowed his roll or audited his antics, and he’s been at the forefront of human experimentation without consequence for decades. His reward has been government limos on call and taxpayer-funded security during his retirement.

Donald Trump sees his wealth as more than enough for Tony to find his own damn ride and pay his own damn way. If he still wants security, “He can afford it.” After being sworn in, Trump unceremoniously unplugged Fauci from the Taxpayer teat, a resounding “pop” heard ’round the world (followed by a good bit of applause from the lower classes).

The upper-crust semi-outrage that followed was about as fake as Fauci, but fear not Handmaiden media. If funds get tight (net worth drops to, say, 9 million), Tony can call his buddy Nancy Pelosi for some stock tips. The Pelosi’s have had unprecedented success in the market and they can let Tony know when is the best time to short a stock. Right from the comfort of his home, which is a shrine to…Anthony Fauci. While he waits to be summoned to The Hill for testimony, he cannot dodge, which will either reveal some inconvenient truths or find ‘The Science’ in jail for perjury.

His ten-year blanket pardon does not cover new crimes, so anything prior to 2014 could also find oxygen to breathe, and with several decades of self-service disguised as public service, the old guy might still learn about justice if only as a lesson to those still walking taxpayer funded hallways thinking they will get away with whatever it is they are trying to get away with.

And given that Fauci has already lied to Congress, he will likely be called once Trump’s cabinet is in place, and the investigations begin in earnest. Or, at least, we hope he will.

As Ian reminded us last week, the truth from the pardoned has more value.

Instead of being tried for their crimes, they can be subpoenaed and asked questions from now until the end of time — questions about what they did, but more importantly, questions about what other people — like the Big Guy — did.

Because not everyone got a pardon and crimes were committed.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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