So many orders and so little time, which makes the Handmaiden media and Democrats cranky. How do we target, isolate, and attack a thing when hundreds of them come at us every day? Don’t worry, they’ll work it out, and while we wait, they can keep shouting Nazi and Fascist as if that’s not more projection left over from last year.
The biggest story continues to be repatriations. Free airfare home for people who came, arrived, or were brought into the US illegally or for the purpose of displacement. Everyone on the list should consider if they were properly vetted. The US has a process in law, and one administration skipping it or parts of it opens the door for another chorus of John Denver’ leavin’ on a Jet Plane.
No idea when you’ll be back, if ever.
That also includes foreigners here on student visas who actively support or promote groups recognized as terrorist organizations by the US Government. Yes, you do get to enjoy free speech, protest, and assembly rights forbidden in your home countries, but if you used them to give comfort or support to … I don’t know, Hamas…you could be deported.
A few folks are thinking their lives might be a lot better if TikTok was still banned.
I’m sure the Marxists running your local university will do what they can to interfere or obstruct, which is the best of both worlds. Obstruction, as we learned during the Biden years, is a grave offense, and the Trump administration has no intention of taking obstruction any less lightly than Dirty Joe and his weaponized DOJ.
When it actually occurs.
Proglodytes love being arrested, so this will likely burnish a few resumes with the White-Tower Chardonnay crowd, and we’ll be very excited to see if they get treated as well or better than people who walked through open doors held by guards to then sightsee inside the US Capitol building on Jan 6th, 2021.
Make sure you Liz Cheney any exculpatory evidence. The Marxist Profs and Admins (who are at times an anti-American terrorist organization in themselves) were okay with it for their political opponents, so what’s good for the goose, as they say?
Seriously? I’m a bit wary of this one. Foreign students are our guests and here at our pleasure, but there’s a big fat line between a lawful gathering to express a political opinion and deciding that the expression provides support or comfort to terrorists.
We’ll need to keep an eye on this.