Canada Would Like Your Organs Before They Kill You

by Steve MacDonald

Canada is ready for a political change. Justin Trudeau is at the end of his political leash and has promised to step down as soon as his tyrannical party agrees to a replacement. He has no chance of winning the upcoming election (sounds like Biden), and they need a plan B (like Kamala) who will lose to rising star Pierre Poilievre but perhaps not as badly.

It looks to be a sweeping change, and I have to wonder if Poilievre has some thoughts about The Great White North’s suicidal advance on the subject of government-assisted suicide. [There is a great Interview with Poilievre and Jordan Peterson here, if you are interested.]

The ‘Grok’s pages are full of reports and commentary on “assisted suicide,” or medically assisted dying, all with a warning. Never let the government manage assisted dying for any reason, especially humanitarian ones; it will end badly -especially if someone finds a way to profit from it. And they have.

China likes to sell the organs of dissidents, that word meaning whatever they say for whatever reasons they like. In contrast, the J6ers in America waiting for Trump to pardon them would all be long dead, their organs in people for whom the regime still has a use. It is a lucrative means of keeping party leaders and their families alive and profiting from the always-long list of people waiting for a new kidney, liver, eye, heart, or lung who might not care too much about how it was obtained.

It is worth pausing to note that the majority of the advocates for medically assisted death (by the way) happen to be fanboys and fangirls and fanboygirls (or is it fangirlboys?) of China. I’m sure it’s a coincidence, as is their shared interest in eugenics, depopulation, and the threat of government force to silence public objection to its questionable medical mandates and ethics (see the COVID-19 response).

Unlike Canada, China is not pretending to be compassionate, nor is it training its children or the populace in general to embrace “assisted suicide” as a public service. They know that if the government wants them dead, it will kill them, and what happens after is out of their control. (Related: Night Cap: Assisted Suicide Will Start Out Well-Meaning, Then Gradually Revert To its Eugenic Roots.)

Canada has coloring books and other propaganda backed by the musings of some unknown number of experts – including the ironically misnamed ‘ethicists’ – pining over their growing list of reasons why government agents should convince people to end their lives.

Not everyone agrees, of course.

There is a great deal of effort in this piece on organ donations from CTV News Canada to opine on the need for medical ethics. “I am concerned that people who struggle with a lack of self-esteem and self-worth may be pushed to see this as an opportunity to mean something.”

That’s “Trudo Lemmens, a health law and policy professor at the University of Toronto,” about how well Canada appears to have convinced those who pursue assisted suicide to donate organs.

But this march of death has advanced to include everyone from the ill to the not-so-ill, the disabled, the poor, the homeless, and the chronically unhappy. Oh, and anyone with a will to live who is a strain on the health service – or can be convinced of that, and – yes – people with a terminal illness and chronic pain. But increasingly, it’s the other things. Medically Assisted suicide rises every year in Canada, and under Trudeau’s government, why wouldn’t it?

Canadians, it seems, are the only ones not illegally crossing the border into America, though they might consider it as political asylum – at least until Pierre Poilievre takes over. Escaping could save their lives and the odd organ.

Some Canadian doctors are now asking if it’s a good idea to harvest the organs of euthanasia patients before they die.

The doctors reason thus: Organs are normally removed from a donor as soon as possible after death to ensure they are in the best possible condition for transplant. If organs were removed from a live person, they would be in even better condition. And if that patient is about to die voluntarily anyway, what’s the harm in killing him by taking his organs?

“The best use of my organs, if I’m going to receive a medically assisted death, might be to not first kill me and then retrieve my organs, but to have my mode of death — as we medically consider death now — to be to retrieve my organs,” said Rob Sibbald, an ethicist at Ontario’s London Health Sciences Centre.

The first thing I thought of was this.

But I’m still using them is not reason enough to prevent the “authorities” from taking advantage of your choosing to be an organ donor. Funny but not so much. The bolt cutters are a nice touch.

Back in the not-so-funny real world, what was once sold to politicians as a meaningful act of compassion has become an opportunity for those in power to claim a government interest that happens to create a profit for the medical industrial complex. The response to COVID and its mandates argued as a greater public good – redistributed hundreds of billions of dollars for little benefit to the public. Politicians, Hospitals, and Drug makers (plus the medical mask, plexiglass, and floor sticker concerns) made a killing over a response that will probably kill more people than the virus.

Canada is already convincing people who are perhaps at the lowest pointing their lives to 1) consider suicide and 2) donate their organs since they won’t need them anymore.

“MAiD is a huge money-making business — now they’re saving money on future healthcare,” Heather Hancock, a disabled Canadian who said she was pressured to let doctors kill her, told Washburn. “They’re literally denying us healthcare treatment and offering us MAiD instead.”

Angelina Ireland, whom Washburn described as “executive director of the Delta Hospice Society, an end-of-life care facility that the Canadian government shut down and then took over for not terminating its patients,” told him, “You can get big, big money on the world market” for human organs. “We have opened ourselves to some horrific stuff.”

It’s all part and parcel of the slippery slope I’ve written so much about. Human nature makes this path unavoidable, so the best response is to not go down this path at all.

Last year. New Hampshire barely stopped an assisted suicide bill peddled as an end-of-life option. That bill is back again, HB254, and we need to stop it again. And we should. There’s no need to open this door. And I’m not saying you don’t have the right to end your life; I’m telling you that you don’t want to put the government in charge of managing the people who are going to kill you because it will become an exercise in convincing people that ending their lives is a public good.

Oh, and can we sell your organs since you won’t be using them anymore?


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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