The headline is a narrative the Democrats are running with, and it’s a total lie. Here’s Hakeem (bless you) Jeffries repeating the lie to enthusiastic members of their handmaiden media.
Here’s Lizard Warren repeating the same Lie as the media eats it up without any context, question or challenge.
I bring it up because this tends to leak down into the local politispehre, which is regurgitated by so-called grassroots dems and their water carriers. Use the bucket for puke.
The Republican House passed standalone funding for Children’s cancer research in March. The Democrat-controlled Senate was the only reason it didn’t get to Biden’s desk until 12/27/24. It arrived there on March 6th, 2024. It was read on March 8th in the Senate and sent to committee but it was not approved by the Dem-controlled Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions until 12/20/24 when it was brought to the Senate Floor and passed.
Objections from Republicans, if any, were likely related to efforts to pass something other than a clean funding bill for children’s cancer research, but I did not dig into that.
Republicans “funded ” cancer research for kids. It took eight more months to get it out of the Democrat-controlled Senate and to the president’s desk.
Whether you think the government should fund this or not, it is the Democrats who are playing politics with it.