Covid Pandemic Fallout Exposes Medical Science Deception

by Russ Wiles

After more than 4 years of research and findings that the alphabet media detested the idea of reporting, here are some COVID protocol results from Dr. Russell Blaylock, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Ryan Cole, and so many others. Strange new blood clots and diseases; actual COVID treatments were outlawed; autopsies not being performed; skeptical physicians were silenced; emerging turbo cancers and strange deaths of young people who were vaccinated. Remember the lame legacy media’s claim that Ivermectin is only a horse dewormer and people were being hospitalized due to overdoses? Pure made-up malarky. The early plan was to do nothing unless you got very sick and then go to the hospital and get administered useless and harmful Remdesivir and then get hooked up to ventilators. That is until the unproven, experimental mRNA spike protein so-called vaccine arrived to deliver the results as listed above.

In 2023, the Lancet censored and removed a COVID-19 vaccine injury and autopsy paper after 100,000 downloads. Dr. William Makis, MD, recently reported that this paper has passed peer review and has been published. It shows that 74% of sudden deaths now occurring are due to the COVID-19, so-called mRNA vaccines. This report is from Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD at Humanity United Now. A quick perusal of Wikipedia reveals that they still list America’s Frontline Doctors as being wrong about Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. Also, they are still claiming that they were not wrong about the COVID-19 vaccine being safe and effective.

Robert Redford, ex-CDC director – from a recent Senate hearing – “mRNA Covid-19 vaccines are toxic and should never have been mandated.” The freakish response to lockdown our society was a disaster. Censored dissent, fire the unvaccinated, businesses closed forever, mandating shots and useless cloth masks for children after keeping them out of school for years. Sending the sick back into nursing homes, delayed treatments for folks with diseases and loved ones dying in hospitals scared and alone without their loved ones there to comfort them are just some examples of the horrific fallout from our government’s cruel iron fist based on flawed science.

The Great Barrington Declaration authored by Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Dr. Sunetra Guptra and Dr. Martin Kulldorff believed that “focused protection” was the most effective and least deadly way to get through this Covid epidemic rather than shutting down schools, businesses and churches. Reaching herd immunity by protecting the elderly and immuno-compromised and letting the rest of society resume regular activities would minimize the overall negative impact on society. Especially, allowing our children to return to school when we soon knew that they were no more likely to die from Covid than from influenza. Don’t even get me started on the useless and sometimes harmful cloth and surgical masks that children had to wear in the classroom and on the playground. Anyway, that was how past epidemics have been dealt with. Dr. Anthony Fauci claimed that the forthcoming vaccines would be more effective than supporting one’s natural immunity. We can now see that our government, drunk on power, did not have our best interests at heart, nor did they base their draconian protocols on peer reviewed science. Yes, the response was clearly worse for citizens than the disease itself. Dr. Fauci, Lord Emperor of Wuhan and gain-of-function research, finally had to admit that natural immunity is the best defense and that masks provided minimal effect on this aerosolized virus.

And now we have the enduring and deadly Covid shots to deal with after being lied to that they would prevent infection and the spread to others. We must get used to not being able to freely move about, demanded our elitist leaders. Myocarditis injury and death of the young and healthy due to these “clot shots”. Advising pregnant women to get the Covid shot? Read Naomi Wolf’s book, “The Bodies of Others” where she laments how government authoritarians fought to end the way humans should be allowed to live their lives from now on. Just necessary side effects in order to save society claim doctors, Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx and former NIH Director Franics Collins. Dennis Prager called it the worst mistake of mankind back in 2021. Indeed! To quote Mark Twain – “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.” Armed with this knowledge, should folks continue to blindly follow government dictates like good citizen “sheep” or should we demand accountability and adherence to the Hippocratic Oath like responsible “citizen sheepdogs?” We should follow the lead of Robert Kennedy Jr., Dr. Jay Bhattacharya and Dr. Marty Makary as soon as they assume their posts to battle the disgraceful dissent into deceit of our corrupted medical establishment. Please check out the book, Thomas E. Woods Jr. PhD, “Diary of a Psychosis: How Public Health Disgraced Itself During COVID Mania.” Also, please check out the Children’s Health Defense website. You will be shocked to find out how our children are being treated by our public health bettors.

Thanks to Russ Wiles for the Op-Ed. As a reminder, authors’ opinions are their own and may not represent those of Grok Media, LLC,, its sponsors, readers, authors, or advertisers. Submit Op-Eds to

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