Joe Biden has never been happier, which makes you wonder if he and Doc Jill voted for Trump. It could happen. The Obamas and Bidens hate each other. The Clintons and Obamas hate each other. The Biden’s hate Kamala, and I suspect the feelings are mutual – no one really likes Kamala. No one really likes Joe. The only thing that holds them together is hatred of ordinary Americans and Donald Trump, and it is an emotion shared by their political appointees, the weaponized agency regulars, the Handmaiden press, and so on, downstream into the pencil-pushing bureaucratic class.
Not all of them are like them. Many are hard-working and appreciate efforts to remove the plaque. They’ll want to stay or rise to take any opening with purpose or value. But there is a lot of garbage, and since November 5th, it’s been volunteering to take itself out.
It’s not just FDA. Herds of proglodytes across a range of agencies are rumored to be packing up their desks or suggesting they would, and all I can say is – Buh Bye!
Now I have no problem in principle with the Justice Department, the CDC, the FBI, the military, the FDA, and some of the more necessary government agencies. But I have a big problem with the people who are self-selecting here; anybody who is even considering leaving their jobs SHOULD be the first ones out the door.
Clearly they viewed their jobs politically, not as genuine public servants. If they can’t work for the duly elected president just because they disagree with him they don’t belong in government.
Of course, the tranche of federal employees who will, in essence, “self-deport” should only be the first to go. There are lots of useless bureaucrats who should be let go because they do nothing useful. But the first to go should be the worst, and the worst are identifying themselves.
Taking out your own garbage – in this case, your intolerant or intolerable self – may also benefit taxpayers in other ways. Exiting a federal employee can get expensive if they don’t want to leave. Their choosing the exit saves a lot of dough. The other point here is that preliminary rumors are that the culling will mirror a typical venting by any large corporation—voluntary early retirement with agreed benefits, followed by decruitment with suitable severance. Bitter clingers will be lawfared out, presumably.
Quitting saves us all of that. Please. Quit. Save America and Americans the trouble. And since you’re pulling up stakes, have you considered a move to Canada, or is your quitting a lot like that, too? Saying it but not doing it.
Who knows, someone might actually decide your job is beneficial. If not, take the severance (assuming that rumor is true) and go get a real job. Trigger warning: you may have to demonstrate value to your new employer.