Link Smorgasbord (And a Smattering of Memes)


Note: These are long and information-rich posts, presented as a “buffet” – so pick and choose what interests you, skim through to see what other things might pique your interests, and then share this post with others so they can do the same.

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Above the Fold:

Dems Think Trump Said Kamala Harris Quotes (

The big question… will that change their minds?  As in, in the voting booth?

In Defense of Nation-States – American Thinker

Yes.  Nations matter.  This is a good book IMHO: The Virtue of Nationalism: 9781541645370: Hazony, Yoram: Books

Ronald Reagan Showed What Honest Elections Bring – Democrats Knew They Were In Trouble – Flopping Aces

Understand something with 100% certainty.  In order to rule, the Left will burn America to the ground rather than have the Right have a chance.

Real America’s Voice Ben Bergquam in East Palestine: Water Still Contaminated Almost Two Years, Includes Talks with Local Who Suffers Health Issues (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by David Greyson

Nobody with three brain cells that work together is surprised.


WW3 Watch:

NATO to set up northern land command in eastern Finland | The Straits Times

Slowly, slowly setting the stage.  Related:

NATO Prepares for Large Scale War | CLIP | Crossroads (

China expert sounds alarm over ‘war signals’: ‘Xi Jinping is about to do something truly horrendous’ | Fox Business

When one flashpoint ignites, expect many others to do so too.  More on China, and why they might light things off as a distraction for their population:

As Unrest In Communist China Grows, So Does Its Aggression On The World Stage | ZeroHedge

China launches Nuclear Capable Missiles as a message, is anyone in the U.S. Government paying attention? | The Gateway Pundit | by John Mills

Also commentary about Taiwan.

West should set its own red lines, not just accept Putin’s, argues veteran diplomat – POLITICO

Every nation taking every logical next step.  Just as I’ve been predicting.

🚨 Iran Sends TERRIFYING Warning to UK (

Doubtless cells exist in the UK… and the US.  But here’s the thing – there’s no question these cells have been here for years (accelerated after Jan 2021).  Even if the West stopped supporting Israel 100%, they’d get kicked off sooner or later.  And on Israel – in bin Laden’s own words:

Eliminate Israel, Eliminate Islamic Terrorism? (

RTWT. Don’t forget the news that Iran may have just tested a nuclear bomb. But then, it’s already being officially denied.

What Would World War III Really Look Like? It’s Already Starting… | ZeroHedge

If the globalists wanted to accelerate a worldwide collapse, they wouldn’t need a nuclear war, just one well placed device.

That’s a good point.

UK sanctions Russian chemical defense forces — RT World News

Setting up false flag events, IMHO.


Trump Assassination Attempt (and other things attacking Trump):

Trump and the Absurd Accusation of Dictatorship | Frontpage Mag

The keep saying Trump is Hitler.  Here’s the reality.



19th Ward Chicago: Kamala’s words!!!

* I believe in abortion until birth
* I believe illegal migrants aren’t criminals
* I will ban fracking
* I will defund the police
* I will limit Second Amendment rights
* I will expand the Supreme Court
* I will force you to drive electric cars
* I will give voting rights to non-citizens
* I will allow transgender men to participate in women’s sports
* I will increase taxes
* I will make the US a socialist state

University of Kentucky ex-staffer says deadly Hurricane Helene was ‘God’s way of punishing MAGA’ | Daily Mail Online

Remember – people like this will be in charge if Kountess Kackula wins.

Biden-Harris Admin Is Fighting To Keep Noncitizens On Voter Rolls (

The question WHY answers itself.

Five Half-Truths About the Longshoremen’s Strike – American Thinker

Good points; the critical one is about the DELAY, not STOP, of the planned strike.

Millions of Christians NOT planning to vote this November, could shape presidential race * WorldNetDaily * by Misty Severi, Just the News (

My head hurts at this. Now, being fair, at this point I’m firmly of the TINVOWOOT mindset. But still… just for a CHANCE that Spicy Time could be avoided, or at least minimized, why would you not want to try for that first?

Can’t stop the steal (

Harsh likelihood.


Political War / Liberals (broad):

Failure To Pass SAVE Act Proves GOP Isn’t Serious About Winning (

It would disinvite them from the “beautiful people” cocktail parties.

And again, this excellent article:

How the Left Wins Elections by Transforming Nations – Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish Articles at

Why Do They Vote X? – Liberty’s Torch (

Image from the link. I voted “D” because my parents voted “D”… it was a long, long process in my move from L to R.

DOJ Sues Alabama For Purging Noncitizen Voters – Geller Report

Brazen Democrat regime rigging the 2024 election unapologetically. They are not even trying to hide it.

Biden/Harris: No More Aid for Hurricane Victims – HotAir

I am old enough to remember the media eviscerating George Bush for the failures during Katrina, but of course, Bush was a Republican. Kamala Harris is a Democrat running for president, so she must be protected by the media at all costs. If that means sacrificing the people of Appalachia, so be it. 

This could be in multiple categories, but… they believe in punishing their enemies.  And they hate conservatives:

Leftists celebrate deaths and destruction in red states after Hurricane Helene – American Thinker

Tolerant and open-minded. Riiiiiight.

‘Suspect’: Lawmakers ratchet up investigation into Soros radio station deal | Just The News

Safeguards willfully bypassed.

Who Exactly Runs the Country? | Frontpage Mag

It sure isn’t the people in front who you see.

University of Kansas prof placed on leave after telling students men who won’t vote for a woman pres should be ‘lined up’ and ‘shot’ | The Post Millennial |

But WE are the violent ones…

All America’s Problems are Leftist Problems | Frontpage Mag

And there is no way to solve all of our problems except by defeating the Left.

Barron Trump Shut Out by Bank Amid Cancel Culture Accusations (

Wow. Watch de-banking become more frequent.


Migration / Invasion:

‘Humanitarian’ Flights Bring Migrants From The Bougiest Places (

Those 30,000 immigrants flying into U.S. airports every month would otherwise add to the southern border’s politically unsightly illegal crossing congestion during a tight race with former President Donald Trump.

Beyond the absentee media, what have we heard about this outrageous systemic government fraud from U.S. Republican campaigners, Republican-controlled congressional oversight committees holding border-related hearings, or Trump?

Exactly what Harris wants between now and November 5: bupkis, as the flights hit tarmacs day after day after day.

Never mind the ones walking in.

Biden’s Deputies Spend $750 Million to Settle Migrants in North Carolina (

Bayou Renaissance Man: How Charleroi, PA lost its community identity

Commentary: Unchecked Immigration Has Transformed America – Tennessee Star

From here:

Undocumented immigrants in Arizona are openly admitting they’re registered to vote and express their support for Kamala Harris.

WATCH: First Look Inside Furnished Maine Apartments Where Illegal Aliens Get Up to Two Years of Free (Taxpayer-Funded) Rent and Utilities | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila

Two years of free rent, free utilities, free food, free medical care… ????  Related:

CBO Report: Open Border Policy Costs Medicaid $16.2B (

Migrant crisis: Record number cross the English Channel in a single day with more than 970 in 17 small boats (

Almost 60% of Spaniards Believe There Are “Too Many” Foreigners in Spain ━ The European Conservative

The Four S Solution.  Stat.  Related:

We Will Not Let Our Country and Continent Be Destroyed :: Gatestone Institute


Big Green / Global Warming:

UK Says Goodbye To Coal | ZeroHedge

Crippling your economy to chase an ideology.

“the science is absolutely certain” | Real Climate Science

In an actual science, an absolute failure of a prediction like this would be grounds to dismiss the theory. Related:

No, Mainstream Media, Antarctica Isn’t ‘Burning’ from a Heat Wave – Climate Depot

Another failed prediction.

Physicists: Non-Greenhouse Gases (O2 and N2) Are Mainly Responsible For The 33°C Greenhouse Effect (

So what’s next, banning O2 and N2?

Meet the 108-Year-Old 1916 Major Hurricane that Brought 8 Feet of Flood Water to Asheville, NC & Covered All of Biltmore  – Watts Up With That?

Very bad but not unprecedented.


Tyranny and Globalism (broad):

From here:

John Kerry, absolute dimwit  casually talks about how the 1st amendment, free speech, is an obstacle to enacting a one world dictatorship


A tyrannical war on truth and information – American Thinker

Governments and shadowy organisations secretly collaborate to silence dissent – The Expose (

Like a Prayer – by James Howard Kunstler (

US: In Danger of Losing Freedom of Speech, Replaced by Politburo :: Gatestone Institute

George Washington Freeedom of speech

The UK government’s war on people aged over 75 – The Expose (

If you are retired and no longer generating for The State, you are obsolete.  From here:

Remember, in socialist societies, an individual’s worth is measured, not by being a unique person made in the image of God, but by that person’s utility to the state. If you’re no longer useful and, worse, if are an economic drain on society, you’ve got to go.

ChatGPT Knows EXACTLY What They’re Spraying In The Chemtrails In The Sky (Ba-al)! * * by Noah

There is no possible “innocent” explanation for spraying these into the air.

The Government is Coming for Your Thermostat | Frontpage Mag

“Voluntary”… until it becomes mandatory.

Single-floor tiny house keeps things simple with two-person layout (

I’ve been seeing the “tiny house” concept for years – and I remember, not long after I started seeing them pop up time and again, thinking that this was clearly an effort to glamorize the idea of living a very small life.  I.e., “You will own nothing, and be happy”.

Also not that, at least on this site, they’re always positioned in the woods, or in a natural field… the reality of such pod life will be in megacities like THE LINE (remember this):

NEOM | What is THE LINE? (

Humanity packed into warrens of being monitored, drugged, etc. Among other things, absolutely ripe for some opportunistic (or worse, engineered) pathogen to come along and wipe out untold millions. Or even billions:

The 7.3 Billion Dollar, er, Person Question – Liberty’s Torch (



5 Ways to Avoid Being Herded into a FEMA Camp – Ask a Prepper

If you decide to stay, the cops won’t come and help you later.

Civil Unrest Myths You Need to Stop Believing – Ask a Prepper

One of the most important myths for us to overcome is the idea that some government or state agency is going to come to help us when all hell breaks loose. We see this is not the case time and time again, yet so many are unprepared and lean on this crutch.

Preparations for Hurricane – Area Ocho

Or any “big” potential disaster.


Race related:

Air Force Internal Docs Show ‘Essential Goal’ To Reduce White Male Population – One America News Network (

Three minute video.

Denying the obvious. Here:

3-4 percent of the US population commits about 50 percent of the murders (

While We’re Discussing Race And “Culture” – Liberty’s Torch (

Embedded quote:

The boss of a Minneapolis food pantry, funded by city taxpayers, has banned white people from taking advantage of the resource.

Flip it and imagine the howls if the races were reversed.


The Jab / vaccines / health in general:

Murray Rothbard on Forced Fluoridation ⋆ Brownstone Institute

RTWT.  From the same site:

Endocrine Disruptors: An Uncontrolled Experiment? ⋆ Brownstone Institute

I minimize plastic contact with food; my storage containers are all glass.  My kids’ water bottles are stainless steel, for example.

Simpsonwood Documents • Children’s Health Defense (

Vaccines and autism.  Direct PDF link to CDC retreat report.

My recollection from hearing RFK Jr. talking about this is that the evidence for a causal link between vaccines and autism were – my memory of his word – “ironclad” per this report.  And they buried it.  Another vaccine article, about flu vaccines:

Govt. Researchers: Flu Shots Not Effective in Elderly, After All (

Scientists Expose Deadly ‘Hot’ Batches of Covid ‘Vaccines’ – Slay News

Some of those batches, described as “hot lots” by the scientists, carried a far higher risk of death and injury for those who received them.

I believe this was done deliberately to start gaging the dose for a longer-term, slow-burn kill off.

Rise 008 – Dr. David Cartland GMC Letter – by Ben Rubin (

David Cartland is a UK-based GP and vocal critic of the COVID Vaccination programme. He has a First Class Honours Degree in Bio-Medical Sciences, including a year of Immunology and Virology. A total of 10 years of medical training with 15 years of post graduate experience.

Dr Cartland was reported to the UK General Medical Council (healthcare regulator for the UK medical profession) in early 2022 for speaking out publicly about the dangers of COVID vaccination. As part of his review process Dr Cartland issued an in-depth, evidence-led rebuttal of the official COVID narrative that he’s kindly allowed me to reproduce here.

Having re-read the letter this week I’m afraid to say the case made by Dr Cartland has only grown stronger in the past 12 months. This is one of the most compelling deconstructions of the official COVID narrative that you’ll find, covering every single major topic with detailed references throughout.

Letter with all the evidence follows.

Cancer Patients Report Miraculous Recoveries from Ivermectin Treatment – Slay News


The Debate Around Fluoride Is Changing: What It Means For Your Drinking Water | ZeroHedge

Currently, the EPA sets the maximum level for fluoride at 4 milligrams per liter, significantly higher than the risk level cited in the recent study.

What will the EPA do?

Nondisclosure: Vaccine Ad Blitz Sidestepped Transparency Rules | ZeroHedge

Legal loophole.

On the MPOX vaccine. This is the FDA package insert. Here’s the key section, bolding added:

5.1 Serious Complications
Serious complications that may follow either primary or revaccination with ACAM2000 include: myocarditis and/or pericarditis, encephalitis, encephalomyelitis, encephalopathy, progressive vaccinia (vaccinia necrosum), generalized vaccinia, severe vaccinial skin infections, erythema multiforme major (including Stevens-Johnson syndrome), eczema vaccinatum, accidental eye infection (ocular vaccinia) which can cause ocular complications including keratitis and corneal scarring that may lead to blindness, and fetal death in pregnant women. These complications may rarely lead to severe disability, permanent neurological sequalae and death.

Based on ACAM2000 clinical trials, symptoms of suspected myocarditis or pericarditis (such as chest pain, raised troponin/cardiac enzymes, or ECG abnormalities) occurred in 5.7 per 1000 primary vaccinations. This finding includes cases of acute symptomatic or asymptomatic myocarditis or pericarditis or both. Historically, death following vaccination with live vaccinia virus is a rare event; approximately 1 death per million primary vaccinations and 1 death per 4 million revaccinations have occurred after vaccination with live vaccinia virus.

Death is most often the result of sudden cardiac death, post-vaccinial encephalitis, progressive vaccinia, or eczema vaccinatum. Death has also been reported in unvaccinated contacts accidentally infected by individuals who have been vaccinated.



This Is A Slow-Motion Nationalization of the Economy |

More inflation coming.  And not just in the US:

New wave of inflation hits Poland (

Some history:

Bayou Renaissance Man: Another example of hyperinflation: Lebanon

Related to nationalization:

The Most Socialist Ticket In U.S. History Is Coming for Your Savings (

Economic stagnation ‘the best Germany can hope for’ (

Writing on September 30, the publication claimed that authorities were said to believe economic stagnation this year was the best Germany could hope for, with it being possible that the country’s economy could even shrink over the course of 2024.


That which cannot continue forever… won’t.  Related:

Buffett Knows | NC Renegades

Bayou Renaissance Man: The scariest graphic I’ve seen in a long time



Josh Hawley Just Went Scorched Earth on Liberal Reporter Who Published Fake ‘Fact-Check’ (

No matter how much you hate the enemedia, it’s not enough.

Even CNN can’t hide it with their Democrat oversampled instapoll debate – Vance wins 51-49% (

Just how big was the “D” oversampling?

you can’t handle the truth (so we’ll make some up for you) (

outside their echo chambers, “credentialed elites” have lost america’s trust because all they do is slant, lie, and push agenda over truth.

And they’re livid because they know they’re losing their influence.


Islam / Jihad:

CRUSADES SCHOLAR: Exposing the lies of the “PEACEFUL ISLAM” w/ Raymond Ibrahim – YouTube

Raymond Ibrahim is incredible.  Others with him:

Sword & Scimitar | The Lessons from 1400 Years of Warfare | Raymond Ibrahim – YouTube

Why Islam Was, Is, and Always Will Be the West’s ‘Most Formidable and Persistent Enemy’ (

CRUSADES SCHOLAR: Exposing the lies of the “PEACEFUL ISLAM” w/ Raymond Ibrahim (

And from a different author:

Everything That Goes On in the Muslim Middle East Has to Do with Islam | Frontpage Mag

The Myth of the Islamic Golden Age (

Excellent book.  This is a very short summary of it.

Anjem Choudary: Killing of Non Muslims is Legitimate (

Per this guy, if you have not converted to Islam you are not innocent, and therefore killable.

Time and time and time and time and time again, they state it openly:

  • Convert to Islam
  • Submit and pay the Jizya tax
  • Die

Why are we so reluctant to take them at their word?


Israel / Middle East:

I don’t know who she is, but KUDOS to her for going to see for herself. Reminds me of this guy – outraged, hating Israel… but he went anyway. And changed his mind.

Born to Hate Jews | 5 Minute Video (

Hamas terrorists murder Gazan mother after refusing to give charity funds (

Hamas must not just be weakened.  It must be eliminated – and Islam itself discredited. Same for Hezbollah. And now we have Hezbollah talking “Truce”!

With his forces decimated, Hizballah top dog calls for a ceasefire with Israel (

Hizballah Wants a Ceasefire Now. Here’s Why Israel Shouldn’t Give Them One. (

A Hudna. What is a Hudna?

The illusion of peace: Understanding the Islamic concept of hudna | All Israel News

This interpretation suggests that a hudna is less a genuine peace offering and more a strategic pause—a time for regrouping and strengthening one’s position. It’s a perspective that casts a shadow over contemporary peace negotiations in the region, raising questions about the long-term viability of agreements based on this concept.

I.e., RELOAD! More from a different source:

Civilizational Conflict – Political Islam

There are two phases of Islamic jihad, active warfare and hudna. Hudna is not peace because no Mulsim is bound by any treaty of word or paper with a non-Muslim. Treaties between Muslims and kafirs are worth less than the paper that they are printed upon. Mohammed broke treaties, and encouraged lies and deceptions in Jihad and that is exactly what we see today.

Westerners confuse the temporary period of non-fighting which is “hudna” with actual peace. The truth is that hudna is just a period of time that passes without conflict while the forces of jihad regroup, rearm and wait for new opportunities to fight the kafir unbelievers. Mohammed used this tactic to great success as do all of his followers over time.

Israel Stops Taking Counsel from the Angel of Death – American Thinker

America hasn’t won a war in decades.  Israel is setting the standard now.

“Protests” In Support Of Evil – Liberty’s Torch (

The Israelis know what they must do. May God give them the resolve and the strength required to see it through.

Why Israel is Innocent of the Accusation of Genocide in Gaza | Frontpage Mag

Facts. But facts don’t matter in the face of relentless #gazawood #pallywood agitprop.


RKBA specific:

Here is What Happened when Puerto Rico Eased Its Concealed Carry Permit Laws – The Lid (

John Lott would not be surprised.


Big Tech (broad):

Surprisingly, nothing this time – at least nothing that’s caught my eye.


Culture War:

I’m not saying all women should be “barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen”… but simply observing that, in many instances, women working has not been the great boon for society that people think. Nor is, IMHO, every woman actually suited to be a mother, which I think is partly our culture these days. Regardless, feminism has corrupted women.

LGBT charity paedophile Andrew Easton wrote “guide for children” – which was distributed by the govt – YouTube

From my UK contact who sent this to me:

Under new Scottish laws a parent can get up to 7 years in prison for refusing their children to transition while pedophiles walk free from court.

SEVEN YEARS for not wanting your kids transed.  Related:

GOP Gov. Removes Doctor For Opposing Transing Children (

A GOP governor?? Related:

Almost 5,800 Minor Patients had Irreversible Gender Surgeries Last 5 Years (

Moonbattery Sex Change Procedures Inflicted on 14,000 Children – Moonbattery

Emmy Griffin: Contra the Left, Child Mutilation Surgeries Are Happening | The Patriot Post

Far-left ‘Mother Jones’ editor accuses airline of ‘Christian nationalism’ after flight attendant wishes passengers a ‘blessed’ night | The Post Millennial |

My brain hurts from this.

The Frontier Of “Woke” – Liberty’s Torch (

Related to the MAP event in Vermont.  And more on that:

Bayou Renaissance Man: “Society’s most oppressed minority group”? There’s good reason for that

Canada’s birth rate falls to record low, among lowest fertility rate in the world | True North (

I think all sorts of factors come together here on this. The Jab, culture, chemicals in food and water…

The Anti-Charity Forces Are Not Joking – Liberty’s Torch (

Thou Shalt Not Feed the Poor… without the State’s consent and approval.

What ‘Banned Books Week’ revealed: worse than people realize (

Maybe I’m still naïve – probably so – but… I still have trouble wrapping my mind around the idea of the absolute imperative these people have to pump filth into our children’s minds.  Somewhat related:

Controversial Support for Children’s Sex Education by Trudeau: How Far Can Indoctrination Go? – Gateway Hispanic

Homeschooling Numbers Continue To Climb After COVID-19 Pandemic: Report | ZeroHedge

I’ve repeatedly said, given what I know now I wish we could have home schooled from the beginning.

A warning about socialism and immigration—from an immigrant herself (

Clarion warnings from people who have lived it…

$120 MILLION Profits Made From Sex Changes on Minors. (

That’s a lot of profit.  And all it “cost” was lives and future generations.


Spicy Time:

The Stage Is Being Set For The Greatest Period Of Chaos And Turmoil In U.S. History – The Lid (

If Trump ultimately ends up winning, the left will go completely nuts, and the millions upon millions of “new arrivals” that the left has brought into our major cities will go completely nuts.

It certainly won’t take much to unleash an unprecedented tsunami of civil unrest; perhaps that was the plan all along.

And that chaos is deliberate and planned.  Related:

Media Ignores Federal Report Showing Biden-Harris Dumped 400,000 Illegal Alien Sex Offenders and Murderers in the U.S. – The Lid (

Just what do you think these “doctors and lawyers” are going to do when the EBT cards turn off?

The Roots Of The UK Implosion And Why War Is Inevitable | ZeroHedge

UK appearing to teeter.



Hundreds of Babies are Born Alive After Botched Abortions, Some are Left to Die –


UK-wide abortion ‘buffer zones’ (

Protecting their temples.


National Security:

The Left Wails in Mourning for Nasrallah – HotAir

The Left wails for any enemy of America or, generally, The West.

A seismic moment – Melanie Phillips (

It’s taken Israel — in extremis — to show the spineless west that sometimes you have to make war to prevent a worse war; that in a war, you only win if the enemy is totally defeated, otherwise the enemy wins; and that you can only win if you fight with that aim in mind.

War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things.  Sometimes, it’s necessary, and if you’re going to fight, fight to win.  That’s a lesson America needs to take to heart.  Related:

What America Can Learn from Israel but Won’t (Updated) (

In Defense of Nation-States – American Thinker

Nation states are where it’s at.

The Virtue of Nationalism

All Roads Lead to Tehran | Frontpage Mag

Let me be clear.  Do I want war with Iran?  Hell no.  But we’re the GREAT SATAN.  They’ve declared war on America, and the non-Islamic world.  At some point, if we can’t help the dissidents enough, we’ll be in it for real.

Khamenei Taunts Israel on Anniversary of Oct. 7 Jihad Massacre | Frontpage Mag (bolding added):

Khamenei thus had a point. There is more antisemitism in the mainstream today than there has been in decades. He issued his taunt at a time when Israel has never been so isolated. Its foremost ally hates it, the rest of the world hates it, and only the hated state is standing against the bloodthirsty forces of jihad that also hate the U.S., and will target us next. When these jihad forces do strike the U.S. directly, Khamenei will be ready with more taunts, and the leftist political elites will continue as deluded as ever. They’ll just find some way to blame Donald Trump.

Jihadis In Our Midst | Gates of Vienna

And from a friend in the UK:

It’s coming – Get Ready! (

Like all things, take it with a grain of salt, but… I would bet good money that there ARE such cells in the US, they HAVE made plans, and they ARE just awaiting the GO order.

Biden Family Business Tied to $Trillions in Lithium Acquired by China through U.S. Afghanistan Withdrawal – American Faith

From 2021, but evergreen in terms of its importance.

Massive Chinese Cyberattack Is a Disaster of Unimaginable Proportions – HotAir

Using a security loophole that allows the US government access to anybody’s electronic traffic, Chinese hackers gained access to an unknown quantity (perhaps all) of internet traffic on American networks. In an exclusive report in Saturday’s Wall Street Journal the secret breach was revealed.

Iranian Underground Nuclear Test Allegedly Caused Earthquake of 4.6 on the Richter Scale – Geller Report

From what I understand, last I knew, there were no aftershocks.  Suspicious.  More:

iran nuclear bomb test: Unusual earthquake raises alarms: Is Iran testing its first nuclear bomb? – The Economic Times (

Has Iran just tested a nuclear weapon? — RT World News

This is calamitous; not just for Israel, obviously, but the West in general.  Do not forget that Iran has written about using nuclear weapons as EMP attacks, and has practiced launching rockets from ships in the Caspian Sea to proper EMP altitudes.


American Jews:

Kamala Loses the Jews – Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish Articles at

Had Trump made his case with Jewish voters? The September poll showed that his numbers among New York Jews had flipped from a 44% favorable and a 52% unfavorable, to a 52% favorable and a 48% unfavorable. But more distinctly, Kamala had turned Jews off.

In August, 50% of New York Jews had a favorable view of Kamala Harris while only 43% had an unfavorable view of her. By September the numbers had shockingly flipped into the negative.

51% of New York Jews now have an unfavorable view of Kamala.

Only 51%?  Does she have to give Hamas / Hezbollah / Iran the Willie Brown treatment, on video, to move that needle into 70+%?

Biden to Jews: ‘No’ to Defending against Iran’s Nuclear Weapons :: Gatestone Institute

Biden Calls October 7th a “dark day for the Palestinian people” (Judean Rose) ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

Of all the things to say on a day marking pogroms against the Jewish people so depraved and vicious it is an obscenity to describe them. October 7th didn’t happen to just any people and it certainly didn’t happen to the “Palestinian” people. The events that took place on October 7th happened to the Jews.* It was arguably the single darkest day in Jewish history, the darkest day the Jewish people have ever known.

By their fruits shall ye know them.  Related:

Trump on October 7 anniversary: I will not allow another Holocaust of the Jewish people – Geller Report

October 7 Opened the Floodgates to Antisemitism from the Left, Bringing Back the ‘Socialism of Fools’ – American Thinker

Among other things, the Left hates Israel because Socialism hates apostates; Israel is now (mostly) a free market system.


Thoughtful and/or Miscellaneous:

End of Days | Aish

Interesting – Judaism has two possibilities for the End Times.

The 2020 Theft Saved This Country – American Thinker

An interesting perspective.  Lots revealed that, likely, would not have been had Trump’s win been official, not cheated out of existence.


Palate Cleansers:



    Nitzakhon is a capital-C political conservative & both a nationalist and culturalist who often jokes that he's not a Republican because they're too liberal. His father's ancestry goes back to the Mayflower and he has two confirmed Revolutionary War ancestors (with two more potentials awaiting time to verify)... with family lore and DNA showing Viking ancestry.  He's also a Zionist Jew with strong ties to Israel and believes that after 2000 years of exile, the indigenous Jews deserve their homeland back.  Massachusetts-born, but Granite Stater by choice, he is married with children.

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