Best to Remember

Jim Bowman

What to do when the insults from today’s so-called leaders infuriate with their rogue styles and abusive policies? Embedded within this outlaw governing, it’s hard to deny the probability that Harris chose her running mate with the same degree of attention that she applied to her border tsar position. Even some of her fellow Democrats are becoming embarrassed.

After our recent four year Presidential uplift, America has noticeably steepened her nose dive. Characterizing this slide, American priorities are jumbled and have seemingly become entrenched to the point that today, “corridor talk” includes questioning the appropriateness of our First Amendment! After all, why should the “first” retain its sacred status?

Today’s media is so politically involved that it has evolved into a fake news comfort zone. As such, they dutifully “perfume” this Oval Office bovine while word-attacking any challenge. However, since all things come to an end, Biden’s Waterloo occurred with a head-to-head session against his favorite “come back” opponent, the one who he predicted he would “beat like a drum.” Shortly following their one-sided verbal clash, Biden bid adieu to his on/off re-election run. Talk about a lame-duck President?

Despite his ending any re-election hopes, the Biden-Harris administration plows on to chart new Presidential depths, in part due to one of his Presidential calling cards: a climate threat. Last week’s horrific hurricane in western North Carolina sadly but accurately silhouetted this hapless and anti-American Biden-Harris term, which has taxed the public’s credulity!

Although not being part of that political camp, I’m still surprised at the blatant and calloused non-action to the carnage that our fellow Americans are continuing to endure. For a sitting President and VP to treat this non-political event in such an inconsequential manner is just incomprehensible, to the point that it reflects a dereliction of sworn duty. Disgust and embarrassment are and should be shared on both sides of “the aisle.”

Back to the election quagmire, which becomes increasingly demanding with each passing day, Biden suddenly called his first press conference since taking office. The oddity was that it coincided with his VP’s campaign address in the “swing State” of Michigan! The adage about “politics is a dirty game” doesn’t quite do justice to the obvious dissension that now permeates the Democratic party. Apparently, politicians aren’t as chummy and certainly not as “thick as thieves!”

One caveat: at least Biden’s forgetfulness isn’t intentional. The same can’t be said for Harris since she has yet to make known the specifics of her platform. Instead, she continues with her promises of future rose gardens and easy-listening platitudes. Her reply to the common query, “are you better off now than…” always insults with “my working mother raised…” Her natural urgings for nonsense goes on and on.

Even her Trump challenge of “If you got something to say, say it to my face” failed miserably during their “debate” since her replies to Trump’s specifics were heavily laced with contradictory lies about her stated positions during her three-plus years as VP. Between the lying and her inactivity as a VP, just how can candidate Harris expect the voter numbers to carry her cackling into our White House?

This basic line of questioning also includes the four letters of FEMA. As those who died are still being discovered and tallied, it seems that the funds in FEMA’s disaster pool were previously spent to care for and house America’s foreign invaders! But it gets better! Now, there are reports that on-site FEMA workers are blocking relief efforts and supplies from being distributed! That’s right, this caring and democratically led agency might be placing politics over American lives! Even at election time, this inhumanity exists but is kept away from the public square.

As my dear mother used to say, “Behind every cloud, there’s a silver lining.” Lo and behold, how is this hyped era of governmental dependency working out in North Carolina? This sham also applies to our Country’s overseas dependency! How can America base her survival upon foreigners, including some who wish us harm? Our country will always be best served by her own loyal American citizens! It’s a one plus one equals two scenario!

America was built upon self-reliance and individualism at the citizen and national levels. In life, some lessons are only learned the hard way. This now seems to be what the current administration is inadvertently instilling, taught through this hard and lasting experience. Their class is now in session, and we as Americans, in addition to learning, had better not forget it!


  • Jim Bowman

    Originally from Philadelphia, Jim is a widowed Vietnam vet, father of two (son & daughter), three grandchildren, a retired boilermaker, and an op/ed writer for approx 35 years. He has two published books  -Our American Being, Righteously Free, and 2011’s The Roar of Ours.

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