The Indispensable, Unstoppable, Trump

Mike Rogers

Never mind the frothy-mouthed rants and expletives of our Marx-worshipping useful idiots who are the rotting remains of the Democratic Party and who don’t even pretend to care anymore about the little man.

Look instead at the facts on display and think about the battles that forged our nation when bold men threw off the yoke of slavery to distant bureaucrats and set the rules for enduring freedom and rapidly growing prosperity.

Think about the great men and thinkers of their day: Thomas Paine, who chose to publish the truth in “Common Sense,” and John Hancock, who chose to sign the Declaration of Independence in such large script that he made a plain target of himself, and George Washington, who rode into battle, leading from the front as so few of today’s generals could do.

Today, Donald Trump speaks plainly about the dangers to our liberty and prosperity and paints a large target upon his own back as he does so; Elon Musk ensures that publication of that truth is done loudly and clearly to the great distress of the corrupt bureaucracy;  Trump, again, rides into battle on our behalf, almost daring the usurpers of the Deep State to take shots at him.

Why do I have such an image of The Donald as Washington?

A man who could afford a life of leisure chooses to fight for us, knowing that our liberty depends on his sacrifice.

A man who loses more from stepping into the fray than he could possibly gain, and most definitely, despite all the caterwauling, does not want to be king.

A man who stands so tall as to be an easy target, like Washington on his big white horse, but apparently cannot be stopped (also like Washington).

A man whose life or death is closely linked to the life or death of this Republic and whether or not we can keep it (Franklin).

The left can wail and gnash their teeth, but their policies, most of which they dare not speak aloud, would accelerate the destruction of this last beacon of freedom.

We can argue over whether some other GOP candidate might have been nicer or smoother, but that’s for after the election or for the 2028 primary season, in which Trump most assuredly will not be seeking re-election. What matters now is the choice between liberty and prosperity or servitude and misery.  The great Margaret Thatcher, contemporary of the Indispensable man of his day, Ronald Reagan, had a phrase for it: TINA – There Is No Alternative.  We have reached the point where it is Trump or Bust. We’re on a crusade!


  • Mike Rogers

    Mike is a British import of almost 40 years, who was a conservative in the days of Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan. A staunch constitutionalist, Mike espouses all good causes toward the libertarian side of conservative - EG he who governs least, governs best. He believes that the Declaration, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights mean what they say, and that candidates for office should take their oaths of office seriously. Here to defend, without irony "Your rights as Englishmen from distant and tyrannical government", Mike knows whereof he speaks and exhorts all US citizens to live, breathe and teach our history and our constitution.

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