The Illusion of Evil

Ken Goodall

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is Real, and may someday be a recognized mental disorder. How else can blind hatred be so prevalent?

I never liked the man, but saw some value in his business expertise and the belief that he does care about America, of course that is subjective.

I have known his faults since he jumped into the race in 2016, then saw the vile left politicians and some on the right fight this man at every step with very few verifiable reasons. The left succeeded in creating the illusion of evil.

In 2020 I saw the results of the indoctrination of our youth and their willingness to accept a candidate of low moral values, but they refuse to accept any faults of a proven weak, devious, and possibly Alzheimers suffering leader in Biden. Now, to accept a woman who was not voted for and who also has very low morals and a questionable career in politics, and again ignore her faults.

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Nothing has been done to fix election issues or alleviate TDS, and in reality, it has gotten worse.

How is it that the Republicans, knowing full well the hatred of Trump, in 3 1/2 years could not come up with a better candidate to beat Biden and win back those who suffer from TDS?

The fact a non-politician stepped into the race in 2016 and won, and now, after a loss in 2020, remains the only choice Republicans have, speaks to the weakness of the Republican party.

Kamala is a joke, not a funny one, but a joke for sure. The liberals will ignore this factual statement, and by the look of the polls, they are in full Blind Hatred Mode. She has claimed a couple issues Trump as already supported, and the rest has been nothing but negative, Trump this and Trump that, and Haitians do eat cats!


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