Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow


It’s Friday!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition and Wednesday Edition

*** Warning, definitely a few off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***

Ha, point taken. And there was one I had, which I unfortunately deleted as part of a mass purge to clear memory, to the effect that before one engages with another, ask yourself these questions:

  • Do I believe the other person has the capacity to listen to, and understand, evidence I might present even if they don’t end up agreeing?
  • Do I believe in my own ability to listen to evidence the other side presents, because I could be wrong?

Ultimately, any debate is either a discussion or an argument. In the former, facts and evidence and logic are used to determine WHAT is right. In the latter, facts and evidence and logic and emotion are used to prove WHO is right.


Just one of the three reasons I will not contribute to the Red Cross. The other two being:

  • They steadfastly refused to consider mounting evidence that Jabbed blood going into Pureblood people was causing problems. (I’m not even sure if they’ve finally noticed a distinction now; I recently sent in an email to ask with no reply thus far.)
  • They are active and knowing participants in helping illegals get into the US.

The Left is trying to scare sexually active women that their “sacred right” to abortion rutting without protection and scraping out the inconvenient consequences might be at risk.

What other “first world” country has underground facilities like this just in case of attacks?

Meanwhile, I’d like to live in the “Republic of Bill”:


Canada. Conquered.

RIP. Is the money to doctors THAT GOOD that they’re willing to have their hands dripping blood?

And state-funded medical care looks like a plus.



This is not just relevant to Israel, though pertains to it specifically. Rather, it shows the deference to international agencies like the UN that the Left has:

Biden-Harris admin backs UN bid to shield Oct 7th terrorists from prosecution – report | World Israel News

Those UNWRA agency people are, in some instances, ON VIDEO committing acts of terror, but the US is supporting the UN’s push to have them get immunity. Somewhat related, at least to me, is this video from Tommy Robinson’s Telegram channel. Just try and wrap your mind around the text quote, just below, with the video below that:

Remember this?

Train passengers including a child watched in horror as a teen repeatedly stabbed a man with a sword in “Modern London”

Rakeem Thomas, 19, has now been cleared of all charges.

He walks free.

Whilst prisons are full of Brits who waved flags, social media posts!

And as far as I can see, nobody does ANYTHING. I mean, I know a knife is dangerous, but dammit… a man is getting stabbed in front of you and you just SIT THERE????


Going to be an awful lot of money pushing back on that.

Federal Death Administration.

I remember when Reagan’s “Star Wars” (a term he never used – it was generated by the enemedia/Left to deride it) was dismissed with the claim that you’d never be able to reliably hit a bullet with a bullet. This is a Hezbollah rocket about to encounter an Iron Dome counter-missile. And just recently, a Hezbollah ballistic missile was intercepted by a “David’s Sling” missile.

TOLD you it was a faith, and Communists are MISSIONARIES.

MHO, start with HIAS, the Red Cross, and other NGO agencies helping with it.

Just like “Weird how people flee from states that have policies that drove them away, and then vote for the same kind of politicians that enacted the policies from which they fled”.


Link Section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):

See yesterday’s Link smorgasbord:

Link Smorgasbord (And a Smattering of Memes) – Granite Grok

And just a self-promotional plug for my last non-meme, non-link post:

Incitement to Violence – Granite Grok

The One World Government just had a major milestone.  The un-elected bureaucrats at the UN have passed a “pact” that will set up digital ID for everyone in the world, and all your accounts will be tied to it.  It’s digital enslavement:

One World Order Passed by the UN | NC Renegades

Related:  French Premier Macron openly stating that we need a “New World Order”:

Macron Calls for a New World Order to Replace the “Unjust” One (

For those who wanted RFK Jr. but won’t vote for Trump, please show them this:

Collin Rugg on X: “NEW: Former CDC Director Robert Redfield endorses Donald Trump, admits to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. he “got everything right.” RFK Jr. explained how he was appalled to find out that Redfield, who he was extremely critical of, was endorsing Trump. “Robert Redfield, who I really go” / X

N adds: I get it – Trump is abrasive. For Hashem’s sake, as a meme I posted a while ago said, put aside your dislike of the man and remember your country. If Kountess Kackula gets in, America is done. Over. Kaput. Now there’s no guarantee that Trump will right things, but it’s a dead certainty the Left will finish devouring America if she gets in:

democula Eager to devour

The mayor of South Portland, Maine, is now telling seniors to take out a reverse mortgage (i.e. sell their home) in order to pay their property taxes. This is the SAME mayor who is spending $150,000 of taxpayer money to help illegal immigrants find housing in South Portland.  This is a way to force people out of a home they own and into a rental, which is the WEF plan (You will own nothing):

Mayor: Get a Reverse Mortgage to Pay Your Taxes – HotAir

In the “you don’t hate the media enough” department:

Corrupt ‘Reporters’ Like Olivia Nuzzi Are Destroying Democracy (

England is finding that “sparky cars” are twice as expensive to run as internal combustion cars:

 EVs Are “Up To Twice As Expensive” To Run As Regular Gas Cars In The UK, New Data Finds | ZeroHedge

If you live in a city:  Get OUT!  This article talks about how the inner-city gangs are now being pushed out by migrant gangs (many of them illegals), and once a gang war starts, there is no way the police (or even the National Guard) will be able to stop it.  If you are in a city when the dam breaks, good luck:

It’s Chaos As Vast Hordes Of Criminals Literally Rule The Streets In Major Cities All Over America – The Lid (

Related:  No matter who wins the election, there will be civil unrest:

The Terrifying Truth About the Upcoming Election Results – Ask a Prepper

Also related:  A former FBI agent testifies before Congress about how the FBI is lawless, uses intimidation and other illegal tactics to control dissenters in their workforce, and how there is NO effective controls on them.  He also recommends getting armed, storing food, and praying:

MJTruthUltra on X: “🚨 FBI Whistleblower Urges Americans to Vote, Arm Yourself, Stock up 3-4 Months Supply of Food and Water, and Pray 🙏 “This is a warning, to the American people I say.. I personally have no confidence the FBI will reign in its own conduct.” •Marcus Allen, a former FBI staff” / X

The only oil tanker the Navy has in the Middle East right now has run aground, is leaking oil, and needs extensive repairs.  So it looks like a whole navel battle group will be stranded for lack of fuel, just when we’re on the verge of a shooting war with Russia or Iran.  Ain’t our DEI Navy just wonderful?  You can’t make this stuff up:

Same story from a different source:

The Navy’s Only Oiler in the Middle East Is Sinking (


Pick of the Post:

Weapons-grade ridicule.

A friend sent me a video of one her latest speeches. Dear heavens, she’s sloshed!


Palate Cleansers:

TGIF! I’ll show myself out…


And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee


Variations on a theme:



    Nitzakhon is a capital-C political conservative & both a nationalist and culturalist who often jokes that he's not a Republican because they're too liberal. His father's ancestry goes back to the Mayflower and he has two confirmed Revolutionary War ancestors (with two more potentials awaiting time to verify)... with family lore and DNA showing Viking ancestry.  He's also a Zionist Jew with strong ties to Israel and believes that after 2000 years of exile, the indigenous Jews deserve their homeland back.  Massachusetts-born, but Granite Stater by choice, he is married with children.

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