Online Event: Attack on Food and Farmers Symposium

John Klar

I am excited to share an upcoming online panel presentation about food supplies, health, and various ways to stay informed and fight back against those who seek to control our food supplies. I will be speaking on both days as part of this broad discussion that includes informed perspectives from Joel Salatin, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Dr. Meryl Nass, Catherine Austin Fitts, and dozens of other speakers.

Updates and additional related materials will be available at Door to Freedom.

I will be addressing the differences between traditionally raised livestock and factory farming, why cows are beneficial for the environment when properly managed, and the dangers posed by abandoning local agriculture in favor of dependence on industrial food production.

Save the dates!

From bird flu to globalist plans to feed us fake meats, this symposium will provide a tremendous amount of resources unavailable in mainstream media.


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