Meme Overflow


As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. Let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule continue!

*** Warning, definitely off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***


Muslim Arabs serve in the Knesset. Muslim Arabs serve in the IDF. That’s a very strange Apartheid. Meanwhile, two people who actually lived in Apartheid South Africa discuss this:

A Black South African on Israel and Apartheid | 5 Minute Video (

Does Israel Discriminate Against Arabs? | 5 Minute Video (

And JUST recently, a Muslim Arab who was kidnapped by Hamas was rescued by IDF soldiers, brought back to Israel, given medical care by Jewish doctors with Jews globally celebrating it… even getting a call from Bibi to welcome him home. Yup – sounds like “Apartheid” to me. Not.

Hostage rescued from tunnel in Gaza; Bedouin father of 11 was a security guard on Oct. 7 – Jewish Telegraphic Agency (

The more I see on this, the more I am convinced not only that this was an intentional thing, but that the entire fedgov is corrupt to the core. What is the innocent explanation of this:

Revisiting my essay:

Anyone in NH know if there’s a raw milk seller around?

When they openly say you (assuming you, the reader, are white) are a disease… when they say “whiteness” won’t die until there are no more bodies left… that’s as open a call for genocide as it gets. They state, openly, what their goal is. Believe them.


Teachers will be trained to challenge ‘whiteness’ in schools (

Something that’s “never” connected to the internet goes down when the internet is having trouble. Hmmmm.

He might want to look at what people like him get from Islam (no blood, but definitely cringe):

HA HA HA HA HA HA! That’s good! I might propose a modification: “I’m talking to you in American…” 😀 Very definitely a double-meaning in that.



Look, accidents happen. No form of transpiration is “safe” – just statistically safe, some more than others. But I do find the fact that the people killed included a bunch of doctors set to present, publicly, evidence about a link between mRNA and cancers, etc.

Remember, to big business like pharma, the profits are all. Lives are meaningless. When your profits are measured in the billions, never mind revenue, you can always find immoral people willing to… remove “obstacles” for those who need such obstacles and problems to disappear.


And this is a culture we want more people from here???????

Trump’s “Original Sin” was running against Her Heinous the Crone of Chappaqua… and winning.

Cold. But unfortunately far more accurate and truthful than not given illegitimacy rates especially in the black community.

Remember this video. THEY KNEW in 2001.

NOTE THE DATE. 2001. Could this one, below, be related? (Not just The Jab?)

Of course, the relentless push on culture and how kids are “problems” or “costs” rather than blessings has also helped drive this.

Understand that, for most, I don’t want this to happen. For some select few, though, it can’t happen fast enough in my book.



More on this – REAL ID coming as a requirement to fly… soon:

They say it’s necessary to fight terrorism, or crime, or whatever. And yes, a nation has the right to know who is coming in and going out. But we had that. I am reminded of two quotes – no, not the Benjamin Franklin one, which is also very true here still and applies:

“Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.”

― William Pitt the Younger

I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it.

— Thomas Jefferson


Links (some from me, some from my Jarhead friend):

WW3 Watch:

Philippines Is ‘Next Ukraine’: China Escalating in South China Sea :: Gatestone Institute

I keep saying this: the world is stacked with piles of tinder waiting for ignition.  They’re all interconnected – when one goes, it’s likely most if not all will.  And people are playing with accelerants and matches.

Jabs, vaccines, general health:

Is your watermelon safe to eat? Find out if it’s chemically injected like that viral video – India Today

Comments on food from an interview by Tucker Carlson:

The rise of ‘super healthy’ young women with colon cancer

Oh, such a mystery.

Nurses must not refuse to treat racists – spiked ( (bolding added, links in the original):

On 6 August, the RCN issued new guidelines granting medical professionals permission to refuse to treat patients whom they perceive to be racist. The new guidelines are a response to the violent riots that engulfed parts of England and Northern Ireland earlier this month. These erupted after the Southport knife attack in late July, in which three young girls were killed at a dance workshop. The guidelines specifically legitimise denying a patient care if that patient exhibits ‘discriminatory behaviour, including racism’.

And then what?  The “wrong” religion?  The “wrong” political party?  This is nightmare territory!!

5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf (

Enormous detail from Pfizer itself.  The link to this is also in a piece looking at the harms:

Experimental, Untested Genetic Biotechnology Administered in Pregnancy: An Egregious Breach of Bioethics (

Particularly to pregnant women.


Zuckerberg says Biden administration pressured Meta to censor COVID-19 content | Reuters

MHO: He’s just covering his ass, trying to get ahead of the revelations.


Mariah Carey’s sister reveals traumatic childhood in which she was sexually abused, survived an arson attack and was taken to ‘Satanic’ gatherings | The Sun

Mariah Carey’s sister accuses mom of horrific sex abuse (

Mariah Carey’s sister accuses their mother Patricia of alleged sexual abuse | The Independent | The Independent

And now, very conveniently:

Mariah Carey’s Mom and Sister Tragically Die On The Same Day (


Today in History: ‘The Battle of the Lord Was Triumphantly Won, by God Alone and through God Alone’ (


Agree 100%.

Bait and switch.

Boy do I relate to this.

And lastly, related to “Spicy Time”. Not saying anything about my approval, but just provided informationally:

Brings to mind my standard counter:


Bill Whittle weighs in with thoughts on beating Harris:

How to beat Harris, Part 1: ‘Equity’ (

How to beat Harris, Part 2: POLLS (


Pick of the Post:

Top Kamala Surrogate Denigrates Bill of Rights, Calls Transformational Document ‘A Little Piece of Paper’ | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin

Translation: That “little piece of paper” is a speedbump as we seek to turn America into a Communist nation. Related:

Related, a little wisdom from one of the Founding Fathers:

The trick is to make the enemy understand this too. I’ve mentioned Eisenhower’s warning to the effect, from memory, that one must consider the power sought in the hands of your opponent. But that requires honor and morality. All they want is power.


Palate cleansers:

I’m “Black and Decker” which, as I understand, owns DeWalt.

I recall a meme a while back, to the effect of a “serving” of chips being what I eat when I’m contemplating having chips.


Come back next Friday for more memes.  Same meme time.  Same meme channel.

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    Nitzakhon is a capital-C political conservative & both a nationalist and culturalist who often jokes that he's not a Republican because they're too liberal. His father's ancestry goes back to the Mayflower and he has two confirmed Revolutionary War ancestors (with two more potentials awaiting time to verify)... with family lore and DNA showing Viking ancestry.  He's also a Zionist Jew with strong ties to Israel and believes that after 2000 years of exile, the indigenous Jews deserve their homeland back.  Massachusetts-born, but Granite Stater by choice, he is married with children.

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