The Character of a Man and an Iconic Campaign Image

by Skip

I spent most of last night, after hearing that Trump was almost assassinated at his PA rally last night, going through all of the Right side of the Blogosphere to gather information. After all, crowdsourcing is what got the ball REALLY rolling (e.g., Remember Dan Rather’s lies over Bush II’s military career only to be done in by a typewriter repair guy who recognized that his fonts didn’t match up?), and I figured I’d learn a lot more much quicker than just channel surfing. So, I kept throwing links and images at the rest of the Groksters all last night.

The iconic image that WILL go down in history is at the top of this post. It SHOULD become THE campaign image as it encapsulates much. And it should become especially to mean THIS:


Defiance against those that do, and SHOULD, see him as the existential threat to business as usual by Democrats, business as usual in Washington (thanks to feckless Republicans), business as usual by those same feckless Republicans, and business as usual because too many people make too much money and have gained too much power simply by doing politics.

Trump defies that and is successful because success is his goal, and he judges it completely differently than the Swamp denizens, and that is defined by this line:

It’s not me they’re after – it’s you. I’m just in the way.

Warning – very graphic image below of the dead shooter below.

Last night, they tried to remove him from “that way.” The shooter, 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks (who graduated from High School just two years ago with a Math award), fired multiple rounds before the Secret Service snipers blew his head off.

 How many times can you describe someone as an existential threat before this happens?

Here’s one of them if you look at that white shock wave of the bullet just behind Trump’s head to the right:

The perp that fired it now:

National File

Before the threat was neutralized, Crooks had already killed an innocent rally attendee in the stands behind Trump and critically wounded two others. He grazed Trump’s ear as you saw in the first image; he fell to the floor:

Most, as it has already been pointed out by others, would have just stayed put and let the Secret Service bodyguards stack up over him to make themselves the sacrificial targets rather than Trump. Who amongst us wouldn’t? But it takes a different sort of person, a DEFIANT person in the face of danger (even as that danger had already been neutralized, but HE didn’t know that at the time), to refuse to stay there. He got back up again, but this time physically instead of rhetorically.

And then the defiance came out again.

He never gave up. He never GIVES up. Sure, anyone who runs for President, IS President, and is running again has to have an ego larger than that of the combined souls in my hamlet (although I can think of a few that strive to be larger). But that fist held up and mouthing the words “FIGHT! FIGHT!” is the character of the man.

And the Left and the Never-Trumpers don’t understand that mindset at all. Never give up, never surrender is not part of their ethos. It does define him and that’s why many of his followers will follow him to the Gates of Hell and back.

It isn’t about him alone—it is about us as individual citizens who just want to live our lives left alone to seek our own Happiness. He has already shown that he’s willing to take on the Swamp to make sure they can’t hinder that. And during this next term, I think he will apply what he learned from his first term to get it done right.

Look, I’m not a Trump fanboy like many who swooned just at the mention of the name Obama (The Lightbringer). But I can admire what he did yesterday to show us who he is in times of dire circumstances to himself.

I have much more from my Net surfing—I’ll be posting it over the next few days.

And maybe even build some competency with this new editor.

At least Steve can’t whip me with a wet noodle about the length of this post – as far as I can tell, there’s no word counter (tee-hee!).

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