Kuster and Pappas Protect Non-Citizen Voting “Rights”

Chip Roy’s Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act (HR8281) does this crazy thing. It says what the federal law already says: Non-citizens cannot vote in US elections. They can’t. It’s illegal. But there’s no mechanism to ensure that. HR8281 says you must prove you are a citizen to register and vote. Provide proof. Neither of New Hampshire’s Dem House Critters voted for it.

They both voted no.

I get that Kuster has short-timers’ diseases and tends to represent only 30-40% of her constituency, but this seems like a no-brainer. It’s a simple way to ensure Americans believe you when you say you want and that we have secure elections with integrity, especially in a climate where there may be tens of millions of potential non-citizen ballot box stuffers shambling across the increasingly fruitless plain.

Letting anyone who wanders across the border to vote sends a different message. One, we must admit, the Democrats have defended in New Hampshire for decades. As a matter of state policy, if you happen to be here on election day, they want you to join in the fun (they must think means more votes for them). And that was the Dem party-line vote in HR8281, but the bill still passed with bipartisan support. Five Democrats voted yea, and every House Republican supported it. 198 Democrats voted no. They are okay with people who are not Americans deciding who represents you in Washington, DC. But I suppose that also makes sense. The priorities of felons (illegal entry is a felony) are not typically the same as those of law-abiding taxpayers and with the exception of Donald Trump (and that guy Sotomayor’s Fed bodyguard shot), Democrats like felons more than they do you or me.

Or, perhaps, this is part of an expanded commitment to access without proof of identity—the opposite of two-factor identification. Not only do we not need to know who you are (no ID), but there’s no need to prove that you are a citizen either. Can we expect this level of detail at the DNC convention in Chicago? Whoever says they are a delegate can vote for Joe’s replacement. That’d be fun to watch, but we know it won’t happen. You can’t get into the local state convention without ID, and they check to make sure you are a Democrat.

Two-factor authentication.

Picking representatives for Congress or a president (and every other race or measure on the ballot)?



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