A Dish Best Served Cold

They replay in my mind almost as often as on TV, and I feel the shock, horror, and outrage in only slightly diminishing intensities from the happening. That second in time, when Trump’s hand clasped at the right side of his head, and he dropped out of sight, I kept seeing it over and over. The words escaping from my mouth, No, No, No oh Shit! 

Rage filled me. Seldom, if ever, had I ever been that angry. How long was it? No time awareness that I can count passed, but then finally, slowly, the pile of dark suites rose, and in the most dramatic happening, the former President emerged. His now epic response to our enemies pumped his right fist hard into the air above his head. He lived, and every person witnessing this virtually explodes with relief and pride. 

Can any MAGA supporters’ anger ever be measured? I know I’m still seething, but not at the stupid shooter. It’s the mainstream media and Hollywood elites that pumped hatred and lies over and over year after year into the minds of gullible idiots. They are ultimately responsible for the current condition of our once great country and must, at some point, be held to account. Yes, I want revenge, but hold true to the saying, “Revenge is a dish best served cold.”

I want to hear the crying and moaning of those leftists when Donald Trump is announced as the winner of the presidential election. I want to watch Joe and Jill Biden stumbling out of the White House on Trump’s inauguration day in January. I want to see the faces of mainstream media as they watch all their lies, smears and slanders come to naught and know their power to control the people will never again be trusted.

 God bless America. God protect our Hero, Donald Trump.

  Get out the vote in November, MAGA.

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