We Will Need to Overwhelm the Polls with Votes


I have a plethora of thoughts about the Presidential election. There are so many topics that lead from one to another, but I’ll highlight a few.

  1. This process of having Democrat delegates arbitrarily switch their votes to Kamala seems like the “most undemocratic subversion of our political system that one can imagine,” to quote Steven Crowder. Democrats across the nation have been robbed of their right to choose their candidate. Cheating isn’t just about ballot harvesting and drop boxes. It is about lying: from the Hunter laptop, to the Trump/Russia collusion hoax. The current obvious lie is that Biden is/was physically/mentally fit and is/was a viable candidate. It’s about manipulation. Now, at the last minute they switch things up, manipulating the rules so that the American people don’t have a say. No one voted for Kamala! There wasn’t even a real Democrat primary! JFK Jr. was forced out, because they knew he had a chance. Most of us saw this coming, months or years ago. Are the Democrats in America falling for this?
  2. Was this a coup? Less that 24 hours before the announcement of Biden’s withdrawal, he posted “…the most important presidential election… I will win it.” But then we had Democrats in high places leaking that he might be pulling out or that they were urging him to go. Did he go willingly? I don’t think that was in Jill’s plan.
  3. All this leads me to consider that there is something wrong with this 2-party system. My son thinks that we should have Presidential run-offs, like a sports final. Candidates can run in stages until we get down to the two contenders who won in previous heats facing off in November. I can see the pros and cons of this. The logistics would be a nightmare, but would it be better than what we have?
  4. The fairness of the upcoming election… How is it possible for us to trust the results in November? With things as they are, can we vote ourselves out of this? There are so many factors to consider: noncitizens voting, COVID illegally installed procedures that have been cemented into law after the fact, electronic voting machines, and voting months instead of days. The list could go on.
  5. They are so desperate that they have now tried to assassinate Trump, murdering Corey Comperatore and injuring two others. They are so filled with hate for Trump, America, and the American people, that they will do anything to make sure that their communist/socialist global agenda is not thwarted by the American people. What will they do next? When will they try again? I can see that the American people are already in the proverbial target.

I have serious concerns about where our country is headed. We have the Democrats that are pulling so many shenanigans that are obviously unconstitutional, in the open, with no apology, that it is mind-blowing, and yet, the Dems say that the Republicans are the “undemocratic” ones. Those who truly care about our country want to fix things but are being thwarted on all sides by a colossal administrative state, a corrupt judicial system, a crooked media here and abroad, RINOs in their party, etc. Hell, there are even Democrats out there who don’t want us to go down this road!

We want to thank Michelle Hoy for this Contribution. Submit yours to steve@granitegrok.com

Unfortunately, they still believe the propaganda that they are being fed and will continue to vote for their party, in spite of what their senses tell them. It’s all Orwellian to the point that the “enemy” out there that is trying to destroy America must be using 1984 as a playbook.

So, what do we do about it? At this point, I feel that step one is to secure elections. I know it’s a little late, but we need to DEMAND that the elections be constitutional. That first time I walked into my town hall to cast my vote and saw a machine instead of our wonderful old, wooden ballot box, my heart dropped into my abdomen. I’m debating my course of action in November. I think I might ask that my vote be counted by hand and that I be able to place it in a locked ballot box. I don’t know if this would even be possible. Anyway, here are my recommendations. These are the most basic, the minimum, but are vital. I know you’ve seen them before, but they are worth repeating.

  1. An election DAY, as outlined in the appropriate codes.
  2. No voter drop-boxes and no electronic voting machines. Each vote counted by hand in front of witnesses and with video surveillance.
  3. Required proof of identity, citizenship, and eligibility to vote. VOTER ID!

If we can have a fair election and theoretically gain true representation for the American people, we must hold those representatives accountable. When we elect them based on a platform, we need to expect them to adhere to it. If they don’t, we need to run them out on a rail.

We will need to overwhelm the polls with votes so that they can’t steal the election from the American people. If we can’t get the fair election we deserve or aren’t able to succeed in counteracting their cheating, I fear and sorrowfully state that, in the words of our beloved NITZAKHON, it might be “spicy time.”


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